Obstetrics And Gynaecology
24 x 7 availability of consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist.24 x 7 availability of consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist.
Conduct of normal, instrumental and operative deliveries including caesarean
Management of High Risk pregnancies, screening of high risk patients for gestational
HTN, DM, Thyroid dysfunction and genetics screening. (double markers, quadriple
markers) apart from routine NT Scan, anomaly scan, foetal ECHO in specific cases.
Management of pregnancy complicated by medical and surgical disorders including
- Adolescent Gynaecology
- Menopausal clinic
- Cancer Screening programmes – Pap’s smear, VIA, Colposcopy, Endometrial
pipelle biopsy
- Laparotomy – exploratory and staging laparotomy
- Gynaec oncology
- Wertheim’s hysterectomy
- Radical hysterectomy with BSO, Para Aortic and pelvic Lymphadenectomy, total omentectomy/partial omentectomy.
- Hysteroscopy - diagnostic & therapeutic
- Laparoscopy - diagnostic, Salphingectomy, Salphigo-oopherectomy, ovarian cystectomy, oophorectomy, Adhesiolysis
- Laparoscopic tubal sterilization (fallop ring application)
- IUCD insertion
- Injectable
- Barrier method
- Medical methods (satisfy the inclusion criteria)
- Unruptured haemo dynamically stable patient, Laparoscopy salphingectomy
- Ruptured ectopic, haemo dynamically unstable patient – immediate resuscitation and laparotomy salphingectomy / needful
- D & C
- E & C
- Repair of old RVF and complete perineal tears.
- Trans Obturator Tape for Stress Urinary Incontinence
- Ward Mayo’s operation for prolapse uterus with anterior and posterior vaginal wall defect.
- Non descent vaginal hysterectomy
- Sacrocolpopexy
- Hormonal profile (when indicated)
- Laparoscopy (when indicated)
- Karyotype (when indicated in primary amenorrhoea)
- Expertise in IUI, ICSI, IVF – ET