128-slice MDCT

Yenepoya Hospital Deralakatte Mangalore is equipped with a 128-slice MDCT (multi-detector computed tomography) scanner, which is a state-of-the-art medical imaging technology that allows for high-resolution, three-dimensional images of the body to be produced quickly and accurately. The 128-slice MDCT scanner at Yenepoya Hospital is one of the most advanced medical imaging systems available, and it provides a range of benefits for both patients and healthcare providers.

Key Highlights of the 128-slice MDCT scanner at Yenepoya Hospital include:

  • Faster and more accurate diagnoses: The 128-slice MDCT scanner produces high-resolution images of the body in a matter of seconds, allowing healthcare providers to quickly and accurately diagnose a wide range of medical conditions.
  • Reduced radiation exposure: The 128-slice MDCT scanner uses advanced imaging techniques that require lower radiation doses, reducing the risk of radiation exposure for patients.
  • Non-invasive imaging: The 128-slice MDCT scanner is a non-invasive imaging technology, which means that patients do not need to undergo invasive procedures such as biopsies or exploratory surgeries to diagnose medical conditions.
  • Comprehensive imaging: The 128-slice MDCT scanner can produce images of the body from a wide range of angles and perspectives, allowing healthcare providers to get a comprehensive view of the patient's condition.
  • Improved patient comfort: The 128-slice MDCT scanner is designed to be as comfortable as possible for patients, with features such as a wide opening and a table that can move smoothly and quickly to position the patient for imaging.
  • MRI compatible equipments – We have MRI compatible wheelchair patient trolley and patient monitoring equipments for scanning patients under sedation and anaesthesia.

The 128-slice MDCT scanner at Yenepoya Hospital is an important tool for diagnosing and treating a wide range of medical conditions. The advanced imaging technology and features of the scanner help to provide faster, more accurate diagnoses while minimizing risks and discomfort for patients.