MS-Anatomy-Kasturba Medical
College, Mangalore-MAHE Univ.-July 2001
Tutor-Kasturba Medical college, Mangalore
Lecturer-K. S. Hegde Medical Academy
Assistant Professor-K. S. Hegde Medical Academy
Assoc. Professor-
Professor-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore
Professor & HOD-Yenepoya Medical
College, Mangalore
Dr.Shivarama Bhat And Dr. Arunachalam The Medial Longitudinal Arch Of Foot In Tree Climbing Professionals. [Scientific Medicine -
Shivaram Ch, Bhat Shivarama, Shetty Rk, Avadani R, Multiple Variations Of Branches Of Abdominal Aorta: A Case Study. Nitte University Journal Of Health Sciences; Vol 2, No.2, June 2012:48-50.
Shivaram Ch, Bhat Shivarama, Shetty Rk, Vikram S, Avadhani R; Bilateral Ossified Stylohyoid Chain - A Case Study. Nitte University Journal Of Heath Sciences; Vol.2, No.2, June 2012:51-53
Savinaya, Kumar Jc, Bhat S, Kumar A; Anatomical Study Of The Unusual Origin Of A Nerve To Mylohyoid Muscle And Its Clinical Relevance. British Journal Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, 49 (2011) E14 - E15.
Bilateral Multiple Renal Arteries - An Anatomical Study. (Published In Webmedcentral Journal - June 2012, Wmc003493).
B, Shivarama Ch; Morphometric Study Of Supraorbital And Frontal Exits In Skulls
Of Dharwad And Bijapur Area Of South India. Med Inn. 2013; 2: 88-95.
Asif, Venkatesh Gokuldas Kamath, Shivarama Bhat, Ramakrishna Avadani;
Application Of Three Dimensional Wooden
Neuroanatomy Models In Medical Education And Objective Structured Practical
Examination; International Journal Of Health And Rehabilitation Sciences. 2013;
2( 3): 146-151
Radhakrishna Shetty, Shivarama Bhat, Venkatesh G.Kamath, Shivarama C.H.,
Asif M, Avadhani R. Variation In Branching Pattern Of Aortic Arch And
Embryological Basis- A Cadaveric Study. Medica Innovatica. 2014; 18(2): 63- 67.
Shivarama Bhat, Arunachalam Kumar. A Study Of Foot Prints Tree Climbing
Communities Of South India. Nujhs. 2014; 4(4): 60-64
Manjegowda, Shetty Radhakrishna & Shivarama Ch. Rhomboid Fossa And Mid Shaft Circumference Of The Clavicle - Anthropological Study In North Karnataka Population. Nujhs. 2015; 5 (3): Issn 2249-7110.
Venkatesh Kamath, Muhammed Asif, Shivarama Bhat, Ramakrishna Avadhani; Primary Nutrient Foramina Of Tibia And Fibula And Their Surgical Implications. Indian Journal Of Clinical Anatomy And Physiology 2016;3(1):41-44 Venkatesh Kamath, Muhammed Asif, Shivarama Bhat, Ramakrishna Avadhani; A Study On Pterion Position Variation And Its Neurosurgical Implications. Journal Of Anatomical Society Of India 65(2016)S33-S3
Venkatesh Kamath, Shivarama Bhat, Muhammed Asif, Ramakrishna Avadhani; Topography Of Diaphysial Nutrient Foramina Of Femora And Their Implications In Bone Grafting. National Journal Of Clinical Anatomy 2016: Vol.-5(3)Pg. 127-132
Venkatesh Kamath, Shivarama Bhat, Muhammed Asif, Ramakrishna Avadhani; Anatomy Museums Of Southern India And Medical Education: An Original Research. Indian Journal Of Clinical Anatomy And Physiology 2016;3(1):45-49
Venkatesh Kamath, Muhammed Asif, Shivarama Bhat, Ramakrishna Avadhani; Primary Nutrient Foramina Of Tibia And Fibula And Their Surgical Implications. Indian Journal Of Clinical Anatomy And Physiology 2016;3(1):41-44
Venkatesh Kamath, Muhammed Asif, Shivarama Bhat, Ramakrishna Avadhani; A Study On Pterion Position Variation And Its Neurosurgical Implications. Journal Of Anatomical Society Of India 65(2016)S33-S39
Venkatesh Kamath, Shivarama Bhat, Muhammed Asif, Ramakrishna Avadhani; Topography Of Diaphysial Nutrient Foramina Of Femora And Their Implications In Bone Grafting. National Journal Of Clinical Anatomy2016: Vol.-5(3)Pg. 127-132
Venkatesh Kamath, Shivarama Bhat, Muhammed Asif, Ramakrishna Avadhani; Anatomy Museums Of Southern India And Medical Education: An Original Research. Indian Journal Of Clinical Anatomy And Physiology 2016;3(1):45-49
Venkatesh Kamath, Muhammed Asif, Shivarama Bhat, Ramakrishna Avadhani; A Prototype Of Digitalised Anatomy Museum With A Scientific Design. Moj Anat & Physiol 2(3): 00046
Vinodhini P, Bhat S, Sree Ram Mn. Impacted Tooth Near The Maxillary Sinus- Is It A Threat. . Indian Journal Of Basic And Applied Medical Research: Ijbamr.Com/Details Current-Issue.Html?Id=27.
P. Vinodhini, Shivarama Bhat, Mn Sree Ram. Anatomical Variations Of The Paranasal Sinuses In Patients With Chronic Rhino Sinusitis Using Computerized Tomography Scan(Ct) - A Review., International Journal Of Health Sciences. Vol.6; Issue:2; Feb2016
Vinodhini P., Bhat S., Sree Ram Mn., Anatomical Variations Of The Nose And Para Nasal Sinuses In Palakkad Population Using St Scan. Online J Of Health Allied Scs. 2017;16(1):6
Muhammed Asif1, Shivarama Bhat1, Sheikh Nizamuddin2, Mohammed S Mustak Association Between Myocardial Infarction And Dermatoglyphics: A Cross-Sectional Study, , Journal Of Cardiovascular Disease Research,2018,9,1,09-14.
Muhammed Asif, Shivarama Bhat, Sheikh Nizamuddin, Mohameed S Mustak. Tg Haplotype In The Lrp8 Is Associated With Myocardial Infarction In South Indian Population, , Gene, 642(2018) 225-229.
Pullanna 1 , Gautham Kamble *2, Ramakrishna Avadhani 3 , Shivaram Bhat
4morphological Study Of Profunda Femoris Artery: A Cadaveric Study , International
Journal Of Anatomy And Research, Int J Anat Res 2018, Vol
6(4.1):5778-82.Issn 2321-4287
MS-Anatomy-Kasturba Medical
College, Mangalore- Mangalore
University - December 1991
Tutor-Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, from 01.01.1989 to 31.12.1991
Asst. Professor-K S Hegde Medical academy, Mangalore from 01.03.1999 to 28.02.2004
Assoc. professor-
Assoc. professor-
Professor & HOD-
Professor & HOD-Professor & HOD from 12.08.2010 to 31.05.2020
Professor-Yenepoya Medical
College, Mangalore from 01.06.2020 to Till date
Nayak, S.R., Krishnamurthy, A., Madhan Kumar, S.J., Prabhu, L.V., Jiji, P.J., Pai, M.M., Kumar, A., Avadhani, R.The Mendosal Suture Of The Occipital Bone: Occurrence In Indian Population Embryology And Clinical Significance. Surgical And Radiologic Anatomy Volume 29, Issue 4, Year 2007, 329 - 332
Suresh Bidarkotimath, Ramakrishna Avadhani, Viveka S, Arunachalam Kumar. Reverse Sexual Dimorphism In Digit Ratios Detected In Down Syndrome. International Journal Of Forensic Practice And Research, 2011; Vol. 1, No.1. Pp.
Bindhu S, Nerli Rb, Dhanesh Kumar Kv, Avadhani Rk. Severe Hypospadias With Aphallia - A Case Of Confused Sex. International Journal Of Current Research, 2011; Vol 3, Issue 6 Pp. 163-164.
Bidarkotimath S, Avadhani R, Arunachalam K. Primary Pattern Of Arteries Of Upper Limb With Relevance To Their Variations. International Journal Of Morphology, 2011; 29 (4), 1422-1428.
Avadhani Rk, Bindhu S, Vikram, Dhanesh Kumar Ku, Arunachalam Kumar. Radio Ulnar Synostosis: A Case Report. Nitte University Journal Of Health Science, Vol 1, No. 4. 2011. 43-45.
Bhagya, B., Hema, N., Ramakrishna A. Mosquito Control And Malaria Status In Mangalore. Nitte University Journal Of Health Science, Vol 1, No. 4. 2011. 33-34.
Bhagya, B., Hema, N., Ramakrishna A. Biomedical Waste Management - Knowledge And Practices Among Health Care Providers In Mangalore. Nitte University Journal Of Health Science, Vol 2, No. 1. 2012. 35-36.
Radhakrishna Sk, Shivarama Ch, Ramakrishna A, Bhagya B. Morphometric Analysis Of Foramen Magnum For Sex Determination In South Indian Population. Nitte University Journal Of Health Sciences Vol 2, No. 1. 2012. 20-22.
Suresh Bidarkotimath, Ramakrishna Avadhani, Arunachalam Kumar. An Anatomical Study Of Primary Pattern Of Arteries Of Upper Limb With Relevance To Their Variations. Nitte University Journal Of Health Science, Vol 2, No. 1. 2012. 8-14.
Shivaram Ch, Bhat Shivarama, Avadhani R, Shetty Rk. Multiple Variations Of Branches Of Abdominal Aorta: A Case Study. Nitte University Journal Of Health Sciences Vol 2,No. 2.2012, 48- 50.
Avadhani R. Bilateral Ossified Stylohyoid Chain - A Case Study. Nitte University Journal Of Health Sciences Vol 2, No. 2. 2012. 51-53.
Ramakrishna Avadhani, Kalyan C. A Study On Morphology Of The Biceps Brachii Muscle. Nitte University Journal Of Health Sciences Vol 2, No. 3. 2012. 2-5.
Ramakrishna Avadhani, Kalyan C. Multiple Bilateral Anomalies Of Carotid Arteries - A Case Report. Nitte University Journal Of Health Sciences Vol 2, No. 3. 2012. 21-23. Archives Of Anatomy From The 17th To 21st Century, Venkatesh Gokuldas Kamath, Ramakrishna Avadhani. Archives Of Medicine And Health Sciences/Jan - 2017, Vol. 4, Issue 1. Cyperus Rotundus Extract Anticancer Activity On Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma, Hema Nidugula, Ramakrishna Avadhani, Ashwini Prabhu, Ravishankar B, European Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Medical Research, Issn 2394-3211, 2017,4(8), 297-304. Ashwini Shetty, Ramakrishna Avadhani, Manjula Shantharam Morphometric Study Of The Thoracic Neural Canal In South Indian Population And Its Clinical Significance. Indian Journal Applied Research, Vol-7, July 2017. Lekshmyvijay.V.G, Ramakrishna Avadhani, Qudusia Sultana, An Insight To The Anthropometric Study Of Mental Foramen Of Jaw Bone With Respect To Its Surgical Importance. International Journal Research, Int J Anat Res Sep 30th 2017 Vol. 5(3.3): 4343-48.Issn 2321-4287 Lekshmyvijay.V.G, Ramakrishna Avadhani, Meera Jacob, Incidence Of Wormian Bones In Dry Human Skulls In South Indian Population. International Journal Research, Int J Anat Res Sep 30th 2017 Vol. 5(3.3): 4349-55.Issn 2321-4287. Review Article: Paul. Ad, Gaikwad Mr, Avadhani R. A Crevice Look To The Indoors Of Body Donation. Int J Health Sci Res. 2017; 7(6):322-330 (Issn: 2249-9571). Internal Architec Ture Of Human Tali, Dr. Gauthma K, Muhammed Aisf, Sheela N, Vidyashambhava, Ramakrishna A, International Journal Anatomy & Research, Issn(E) 2321-4287, Issn (P) 2321-8697. Published 05 January 2018. Bollavaram Pullanna 1 , Gautham Kamble *2, Ramakrishna Avadhani 3 , Shivaram Bhat 4, Morphological Study Of Profunda Femoris Artery: A Cadaveric Study International Journal Of Anatomy And Research, Int J Anat Res 2018, Vol 6(4.1):5778-82.Issn 2321-4287. Correlation Of Neck Circumference And Head Circumference In Different Craniofacial Skeletal Patterns, Suchitra S. Prabhu1, Ramakrishna Avadhani2, Rohan Mascarenhas3, Journal Evolution Med.Dent.Sci./Eissn-2278 - 4802/Vol. 7/Issue 44/Oct, 29, 2018. Paul Ad, Avadhani R, Subramanyam K. Myocardial Bridging 'A Double-Edgedsword': Analysis And Significance. Journal Of The Anatomical Society Of India. 2018; 67(2):70-6. Paul Ad, Ashraf. S.M, Subramanyam K, Avadhani R. Gender-Associated Dimensional Differences Among Normal Tos Non-Flow Limiting Coronary Artery Dimensions. Indian Heart Journal.2018. Bollavaram Pullanna, Bindhu S, Ramakrishna Avadhani, Meera Jacob, Morphometry Of The Adult Human Dry Hip Bone In South Indian Population, International Journal Of Anatomy And Research, 2019, Vol 7(1.2): 6178-82. Issn 2321 - 4287. Ashwini Shetty *1 , R.Avadhani 1 , Mahesha K.B 2 , Yashodhar Bhandary 3 Thoracic Pedicle Morphometry Study On Cadaver And Ct Scan With Its Clinical Applications. International Journal Of Anatomy And Research, Int J Anat Res 2019, Vol 7(1.1):6089-6100. Issn 2321-4287.
Hema Nidugala, Ramakrishna Avadhani, Ashwini Prabhu1, B Ravishankar2the Toxicology
And Histopathological Effects Of Aqueous And Ethanolic Extracts Of Cyperus
Rotundus Rhizomes In Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma Induced In Awiss Albino Mice,
Received: 31july 2019, Accepted: 20 August, Available Online: 15 October 2019. Paul Divia Aricatt, S.M Ashraf, K Subramanayam, Ramakrishna Avadhani
Pitfallas In Comparison Of Coronary Artery Measurements Of Indian Population
With Different Geographical Area Studies., Indian Heart Journal, Accepted 8th
April 2021.
M.D. - A.J. Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore, RGUHS Univ, May 2012
Tutor-A.J. Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore (02.05.2009-19.05.2012)
Assistant Professor-
Assistant Professor-
Meera Jacob, R Avadahni, Bindu S. Maximum Femoral Length And Bicondylar Width As A Tool For Sexual Dimorphism. Paripex - Indian Journal Of Research. 2013. Vol - 2, Issue 8, Page No. 185 - 186.
Meera Jacob , Shivarama C. H. , Bindu S. , Rani Nallathamby & Avadhani R. Undescended Caecum And Appendix With Right Sided Sigmoid Colon - A Case Report. Nitte University Journal Of Health Science. 2013. Vol 3, No. 4. Pp: 125 - 127.
Meera Jacob. Avadhani R, Bindhu.S. Morphometry Of Foramen Ovale And Its Clinical Significance. International Journal Of Current Research. 2013. Vol 5(7).Pp: 1963-64.
Rani N, Ramakrishna A, Meera J, Boban B.Cervico-Diaphyseal Angle Of Femur - A Comparative Study In South Indian Population. International Journal Of Current Research. 2013. Vol 5(8) Pp: 2249-2251.
Rani Nallthamby, Ramakrishna Avadhani, Shivarama Ch, Boban Babu And Meera Jacob. Study On Metopic Sutures In South Indian Skulls. Int.J.Bioassays. 2013.02(08).Pp: 1087-1090.
Soman Ma, Avadhani R, Jacob M, Nallathamby R. Study Of Fingerprint Patterns In Relationship With Blood Group And Gender. International Journal Of Current Research. 2013. 5(12): 3994-3997.
Meera Jacob, Ramakrishna Avadhani, Bindhu.S, Rani Nallathamby, Meril Ann Soman. Prevalence Of Retro Molar Foramen In Human Mandibles And Its Clinical Significance. Int J Anat Res. 2014. Vol: 2 (3):553-56.
Meera Jacob, Ramakrishna Avadhani, Bindhu.S, Rani Nallathamby, Meril Ann Soman. Duplicate Condylar Canal-A Case Report With Clinical Implications. International Journal Of Scientific Research. 2014. Vol: 3(9):355-356.
Meera Jacob, Ramakrishna Avadhani, Bindhu Nair, Rani Nallathamby, Meril Ann Soman. An Original Study On Anatomical Variations Of Hypoglossal Canal. International Journal Of Health Science & Research. 2014. Vol.4 (12): 339-341.
Qudusia Sultana, M.H Shariff, Meera Jacob, Chitra P Rao, Ramakrishna Avadhani . A Morphological Study Of Sacral Hiatus With Its Clinical Implications. Indian Journal Of Applied Research. 2014. Vol 4(2): 17-20.
Rani Nallathamby, Ramakrishna Avadhani, Shivarama Bhat, Meera Jacob, Meril Ann Soman. Partially Fused Splenic Lobule-A Case Report. Nujhs. 2014. Vol. 4(3): 99-100.
Meril Ann Soman, Ramakrishna Avadhani , Meera Jacob ,Rani Nallathamby , Charly Chacko Joseph. An Unascended Right Kidney With Left Sided Ureteric Calculi: A Cadaveric Case Report. Int J Anat Res. 2014. Vol 2(2):443-45.
Meril Ann Soman, Ramakrishna Avadhani, Rani Nallathamby, Meera Jacob. A Case Of Meckel's Diverticulum. International Journal Of Health Sciences & Research. 2014. Vol.4 (4): 218-220.
Meera Jacob, R K Avadhani, Rani Nallathamby, Meril Ann Soman & Bindhu S, Body Donation As Gift To Medical Science For Better Tomorrow -Literature Review Nujhs. 2015. Vol 5(1):108-110.
Meera Jacob, Ramakrishna Avadhani, Bindhu Nair, Rani Nallathamby. Meril Ann Soman. Cross Sectional Study Of Second And Fourth Digit Ratio With Physical Attributes In South Indian Population. Int J Anat Res. 2015. Vol 3(2):1133-37.
Bindhu S, R K Avadhani & Meera Jacob. A Morphological Study Of Placenta In Children With And Without Hypospadias. Nujhs. 2015. Vol 5 (1):17-20.
Meera Jacob, R K Avadhani, Rani Nallathamby, Meril Ann Soman & Bindhu S. Body Donation As Gift To Medical Science For Better Tomorrow - Literature Review Nujhs. 2015. Vol 5(1):108-110.
Meera Jacob, Ramakrishna Avadhani, Bindhu Nair, Rani Nallathamby. Meril Ann Soman. Cross Sectional Study Of Second And Fourth Digit Ratio With Physical Attributes In South Indian Population. Int J Anat Res. 2015. Vol 3(2):1133-37.
Meera Jacob, Ramakrishna Avadhani, Bindhu Nair, Rani Nallathamby, Meril Ann Soman Occurrence Of Supernumery Heads Of Biceps Brachii With Communication Between Musculocutaneous And Median Nerve. International Journal Of Anatomical Sciences, 2015, 6(1): 05-08.
Meril Ann Soman, Ramakrishna Avadhani, Rani Nallathamby, Meera Jacob. Fingerprint Pattern Characteristics Of Intellectually Disabled Children - An Original Study. Nujhs. 2015. Vol 5(1):14-16.
Meera Jacob, Bindhu.S, Ramakrishna Avadhani. Sex Determination From Hard Palate Measurements Using Palatine Index With Reference To Its Clinical Implications. Int J Anat & Physio. 2016. 3(2): 186-188.
Bindhu S, Meera Jacob, R.B. Nerli, R K Avadhani. Morphological And Histopathological Study Of Placenta In Children With And Without Hypospadias. International Journal Of Anatomy And Research, Int J Anat Res 2016, Vol4 (1): 1896-1900. Issn 2321-4287.
Lekshmyvijay.V.G, Ramakrishna Avadhani, Meera Jacob Incidence Of Wormian Bones In Dry Human Skulls In South Indian Population. International Journal Research, Int J Anat Res Sep 30th 2017 Vol. 5(3.3): 4349-55.Issn 2321-4287.
Bollavaram Pullanna, Bindhu S, Ramakrishna Avadhani, Meera Jacob. Morphometry Of The Adult Human Dry Hip Bone In South Indian Population, , International Journal Of Anatomy And Research, 2019, Vol 7(1.2): 6178-82. Issn 2321 - 4287.
Meera Jacob, Bindhu. S,R. K. Avadhani, Spectrum Of Thorasic Vertebral Synostosis With Its Clinical Implications And Embryological Significance. Medplus- International Journal Of Anatomy 2020;13(1):13-16.
Jomon Lonappan, Meera Jacob,Clinical Leadership Training As A Core Of Medical Education- A Review Of Literature: Asia Life Sciences 2020;10(4) 719-725. Asia Life Sciences 2020;10(4) 719-725.
communication- Divia Paul A, Subramanyam K, Meera Jacob, Ramakrishna A.
Pericardiocentesis Procedure: Anatomical Structures and Approaches. IJHA. Dec
2021; 3(1):1 ISSN: 2577-2279 DOI 10.14302/issn.2577-2279.ijha-21-4012
MD-Anatomy-A.J .Institute of
Medical Science, Mangalore-Rajiv Gandhi
University of Health Sciences, Bangalore-May 2013
Tutor-A.J .Institute of Medical Science, Mangalore, 10.05.2010 to 31.05.2013
Assistant Professor-
Associate Professor- Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore 01.07.2020 to Till date
Sweekritha, Qudusia Sultana, Vidya Pillai, Chitra P. Rao. A Rare Case Of Variation Of The Cords Of Brachial Plexus. International Journal Of Aj Institute Of Medical Sciences .May 2012; 1(1): 75-77.
Qudusia Sultana,M. H. Shariff , Ramakrishna Avadhani. Non Canalized Sacrum With Absent Sacral Hiatus- A Case Report With Its Clinical Significance . International Journal Of Current Research Dec 2013; 5(12): P-3998-3999.
Qudusia Sultana, M.H Shariff, Meera Jacob, Chitra P Rao, Ramakrishna Avadhani . A Morphological Study Of Sacral Hiatus With Its Clinical Implications. Indian Journal Of Applied Research. Feb 2014;4(2):P-17-20
M.H Shariff, Qudusia Sultana, Vidya Pai. A Rare
Developmental Disorder 'Hydrocele Of Canal Of Nuck' - A Case Report.
International Journal Of
Biomedical And Advance Research. Mar 2014;5(3):P 180-181.
Varalakshmi K.L, Sweekritha Shetty, Qudsia Sultana. Study Of Supratrochlear Foramen Of Humerus And Its Clinical Importance. Iosr Journal Of Dental And Medical Sciences. July 2014;13(7):Pp 68-70.
Qudusia Sultana, M.H Shariff, Muhammed Asif, Ramakrishna Avadhani. Cheiloscopy: A Scientific Approach For Personal Identification. International Journal Of Anatomy And Research Nov 2014; 2(4):668-72
Qudusia Sultana, Ramakrishna Avadhani, Varalakshmi Kl , Shariff Mh & Blessina. Variations Of Foramen Transversarium In Atlas Vertebrae : A Morphological Study With Its Clinical Significance . Nujhs . June 2015;5(2):Pp 80-83
Qudusia Sultana, Shariff M.H , Ramakrishna Avadhani. Study Of Surgical Landmarks Of Mandibular Foramen For Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block: An Osteological Study. Indian Journal Of Clinical Anatomy And Physiology 2016;3(1):37-40.
M.H. Shariff , Sadiqunissa , Qudusia Sultana Impact Of Blood Donor Deferrals On Bloodavailability In A Tertiary Care Centre Of Dakshina Kannada: Indian Journal Of Pathology And Oncology July-September 2016;3(3);376-378.
Qudsia Sultana, Mohammad Hafeezulla Shariff ,Venkatesh Kamatth And Ramakrishna Avadhani. A Study On "Sutural Morphology Of The Pterion In Adult Dry Skull In South Indian Ethnic Group". International Journal Of Anatomy And Research. April-July 2017;5(3.1):4096-99.
Lekshmy Vijay. V.G, Ramakrishna Avadhani, Qudusia An Insight To The Anthropometric Study Of Mental Foramen Of Jaw Bone With Respect To Its Surgical Importance. Int J Anat Res 2017;5(3.3):4343 4348. Doi: 10.16965/Ijar.2017.33:)
Sultana 1 , Rashmi Jain 2 , M. H. Shariff 3 , Pranup Roshan Quadras 4 , Amith
Ramos. The Impact of Simulation-Based Teaching Module Involving Virtual
Dissection on Anatomy Curriculum Delivery (Scopus Indexed) Accepted: 01 Sep 2022,
Published (P): 05 Dec 2022
B A M S-Alva’s Ayurveda Medical College, Moodbidri
Ph.D-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore
Tutor-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore
Assistant Professor-Yenepoya Medical
College, Mangalore
Prakash Saldanha. Anitha Prabhu, Dr. Ashwini S. Shetty. Bhagya B A Case Report Of Tuberous Sclerosis. Journal Of Advanced Research In Biological Science May - 2010
Veena, Km, Dr. Ashwini Shetty Jagadish Chandra H, "Kissing Molars-An Unusual, Unexpected Impaction Of Third And Fourth Molars". International Journal Of Biomedicine.2012, Vol.32, No (3),P.443-444.
Veena, Km, Dr. Ashwini Shetty Jagadishchandra Carotid Artery Syndrome: Case Report H Journal Of Morphological Science. 2012, Vol. 29, No. 1, P. 58-59, March 5th 2012
Manu Prasad, Dr. Ashwini Shetty, A Rare Case Of "Crouzan Syndrome"International Journal Of Clinical Diagnosis And Research May 2013, Volume 7, Issue: 5, P: 959-961
Manjula Shantaram, Geetha Bhaktha, Neevan D'souza, Dr. Ashwini Shetty, "Urinary Calcium In Cancer"-A Pilot Study Ijpcbs International Journal Of Pharmaceutical, Chemical And Biological Sciences 2013, 3 (3), 656-658.
Dr. Ashwini Shetty Ramakrishna Avadhani, Mahesha B, Manjula Shantaram "Pedicle Morphometry: A Radiological Assessment Using Computed Tomographic (Ct) Scan, International Journal Of Basic And Applied Medical Sciences, Vol(11):No1, September To December 2011(Pp23-25).
Dr. Ashwini Shetty, Jetti Raghu, Shivaram, Bindhu , Madhyastha Sampat, "Variant Branching Pattern Of The Posterior Division Of Internal Iliac Artery" Galle Medical Journal, Galle Medical Journal, Vol 16: No. 2, September 2011 (Pp35-38)
Dr. Ashwini Shetty, Jetty Raghu, Santosh Shetty "An Atypical Outsized Lateral Circumflex Femoral Artery And Its Clinical Implications", International Journal Of Clinical Diagnosis And Research September 2012 Volume 6, Issue : 7 Page : 1284 - 1285
Ashwini Shetty,Ramakrishna, Avadhani, Mahesh B, "Anatomy Of The Thoracic
Pedicle In Relation To The Pedicle Screw Fixation -A Cadaveric Study"
International Journal Of Biomedicine.2013, Vol.33, No.1, P.113-116
MBBS-Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Medial College, Bangalore
MD-M.S. Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore
Tutor-M.S. Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore
Asst. Professor-Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College, Kolar
Assoc. Professor-Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College, Kolar
Associate Professor-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore
Origin of left gastric artery from abdominal aorta. KCA: 2013,7(1):45-47.
Anatomical Study of pulmonary fissures and lobes. International journal of recent scientific research, June 2015;6(6):4554-4557.
Is Peripheral Blood Smear Examination An Obsolete Art. IJRSR, 2015; 6(3):3059-3062.
Morphometric analysis of human adult kidneys a cadaveric study. Int J Anat Res. 2017;5(2.3):3900-3904.
Study of arrangement of renal hilar structures in human cadavers. Int J Anat Res. 2018; 6(1.2):4890-4896.
Study of orbital morphometry in dry skulls of south Indian origin. Int J Anat Res. 2018; 6(3.1):5449-52.
Liquid dish wash solution - can it be an alternative in future for the expensive and hazardous xylene in hematoxylin and eosin staining of paraffin sections. Trop J Path Micro. 2018;4(2):139-141.
Image Analysis and Image Classifier Using Neural Network with Machine Learning to Perform Differential Leucocyte Count.Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice.2018;7(6):772-75
Xylene/Chloroform Free
Microwave Tissue Processing and Staining a Non-hazardous and Time Effective
Alternative.JClinExp Pathol.2018;8(2);1-5
M.Sc. Medical-Mahatma Gandhi University
Senior Resident-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore
Asst. Professor-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore
MBBS-Kasturba Medical
College, Mangalore-Manipal University-August
MD-Anatomy-A.J. Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore-Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore-2022
Junior Resident-A.J.Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore-23.05.2012 to 31.05.2015
Tutor-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore-21.12.2015 to 25.07.2022
Senior Resident-Yenepoya Medical
College, Mangalore, 26.07.2022 to Till date
Dr. Nidhi , Dr. Bindhu S, Ms. Blessina Sugandhi "A Study Of Variations In The Pattern Of Superficial Veins On The Upper Extremity In Dakshina Kannada Population" International Journal Of Medicine And Pharmaceutical Sciences (Ijmps) Issn (P): 2250-0049; Issn (E): 2321-0095 Vol. 10, Issue 4, Aug 2020, 97-104.
M.Sc. Medical-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore
Tutor-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore
Morphological study of profunda femoris artery: a cadaveric study. Bollavaram Pullanna, Gautham Kamble, Ramakrishna Avadhani , Shivaram Bhat . Int J Anat Res 2018; vol 6(4.1):5778-82.ISSN 2321-4287.
Morphometry of the adult human dry hip bone in south Indian population, Bollavaram Pullanna, Bindhu S, Ramakrishna Avadhani, Meera Jacob, International journal of anatomy and research, 2019, vol 7(1.2): 6178-82. ISSN 2321 - 4287
Bollavaram Pullanna, Gautham Kamble*,
Jayalakshmi P. V. Study of morphometric analysis of acetabulum and its clinical
correlation in South Indian population.. International Journal of Anatomy and
Research, Int J Anat Res 2022, Vol 10(2):8352-58. ISSN 2321-4287 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2022.125
Medical College, Kerala
Tutor-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore
Medical College, Mangalore
Tutor-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore
MBBS-Karuna Medical College
Tutor-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore
MBBS-Sree Siddhartha Medical College, Tumkur-Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore-August 2002
DPM-National Institute of Medical Health and Neuro Sciences-NIMHANS-August 2005
MD-Psychiatry-K.M.C. Manipal, Manipal Academy of Higher Education -April 2008
Tutor (Pathology)-K.S. Hegde Medical College, Mangalore from 16.09.2002 to 01.09.2003
Junior Resident (Psychiatry)-NIMHANS, Bangalore from 09/2003 to 08/2005
Junior Resident (Psychiatry)-K.M.C. Manipal from 02.05.2006 to 30.04.2008
Assistant Professor-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore from 07.05.2008 to 31.10.2012
Associate Professor-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore from 01.11.2012 to 15.04.2018
Professor & HOD-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore from 16.04.2018 to Till date
Kakunje A, Kanaradi H, Chand P, Pai G, Sharma PSVN, Puthran S. Psychiatric morbidity in Alcohol Dependence with and without Cirrhosis: A Hospital Based Comparative Study. Journal of Pakistan Psychiatry Society. 2012 Jul; 9 (1):15-18.
Kakunje A, Kanaradi H, Chand P, Sharma PSVN, Pai G, Puthran S. Personality Profile of Persons with Alcohol Dependence with and without Cirrhosis: A Hospital Based Comparative Study. International Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. 2012;1(2):94-98.
Kiran Kumar P.K, Sukesh, Anil Kakunje, Prashantha Bhagavath, Epidemiology of Psychiatric Disorders in Deliberate Self Harm Victims, Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Vol. 2, 7, 18, 2013, 738-44.
Puthran S, Vaswani V, Jain A, Kakunje A. Perception of autonomy of psychiatry patients/illness among psychiatry nursing staff, Research Journal of Social Science and Management, 2013; 3 (7) : 47-3.
Kanila S, Kakunje A. A Pilot Study To Identify The Problems Faced By The Wives Of Persons With Alcohol Dependence. International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS). 2017 Feb;4(2).
Shettar M, Karkal R, Kakunje A, Mendonsa RD, Chandran VM. Facebook addiction and loneliness in the post-graduate students of a university in southern India. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. May 2017; 63(4): 325-329.
Shettar M, Kakunje A, Chandran M, Mendonsa RD, Karkal R. Presenting complaints in somatoform disorders: a hospital based south Indian study. National Journal of Medical and Dental Research, 2017 Jan-March;5(2):106-111
Ammati R, Kakunje A, Karkal R, Nafisa D, Kini G, Chandrashekaran P. Smartphone Addiction among Students of Medical University in South India: A Cross-Sectional Study. Annals of International Medical and Dental Research. 2018 April;4(2):1.
Nafisa D, Pinto D, Pavithra R, Kakunje A. Prevalence of thyroid function abnormality in admitted male patients with alcohol dependence syndrome. J of Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. 2018 Feb; 6 (1).
Mahatme N, Kakunje A, Nafisa D, Srinivasan J, Puthran S, Becker-Ebel J. Knowledge and Attitude of Mental Health Professionals Towards Psychodrama as a Psychotherapeutic Tool. Telangana Journal of Psychiatry. 2018; 4 (2): 92-95.
Karkal R, Goyal N, Tikka SK, Khanande RV, Kakunje A, Khess CR. Sensory gating deficits and their clinical correlates in drug-free/drug-naive patients with schizophrenia. Indian journal of psychological medicine. 2018 May;40(3):247-256.
Ashish Rana, Ravichandra Karkal, Anil Kakunje, Ganesh Kini. Perception of Sexual Dysfunction in Male Patients with Alcohol Dependence. Saudi Journal of Medicine; February 2018, 3 (2), 49-54.
Divya AR, Ravichandra Karkal, Anil Kakunje, Mendonsa Rohan. Sexual Dysfunction in Women Being Treated with SSRIs. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences; February 2018, 6 (2), 711-716.
Kakunje A, Kanaradi H, Pai G, Karkal R, Nafisa D, Chandrasekaran P. Drinking pattern in persons with alcohol dependence with and without cirrhosis: A hospital-based comparative study. Indian J Psychiatry. 2018;60(2):189-194.
Shettar M, Kakunje A, Karkal R, MendonsaRD, Kini G, Chandran VVM. Sucidality in Somatization and Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorders: A Hospital - Based Study. Archives of Medicine & Health Sciences. 2018 Jan-June; 6(1):36-39.
Sahana K S, Bhat S S, Kakunje A, Study of prenatal, natal, and neonatal risk factors associated with autism. Indian Journal of Child Health. 2018Jan; 5 (1).
Kakunje A, Nishad PM, Kini G, Sathyanath S, VV MC. Unusual/unconventional psychoactive substances of abuse. Kerala Journal of Psychiatry. Jan-June 2018;31(1).
Kakunje A, Ammati R, Tolar P, Puthran S, Swaroop M. Snakes and their relevance to psychiatry. Annals of Indian Psychiatry. 2019 Jan 1;3(1):63.
Ammati R, Kakunje A, Karkal R, Kini G, Srinivasan J, Nafisa D. Stressful life events and quality of life in patients with somatoform disorders. Indian J Soc Psychiatry. 2019 Jan; 35:108-13.
M, Kakunje A & Abdulla H. Knowledge And Attitude Of Mental Health
Professionals Towards Transactional Analysis. International Journal of Indian
Psychology. 2019Jan-Mar; 7(1): 947-953.
Mahatme N, Shettar M, Kakunje A, Kini G. Epigenetics in Psychiatry. Indian J of Mental Health and Neurosci. 2019 Jan (1): 5-11.
Akhilesh M, Kakunje A & Abdulla H. Knowledge And Attitude Of Mental Health Professionals Towards Transactional Analysis. International Journal of Indian Psychology. Jan-Mar 2019: 7(1), 947-953.
Kakunje A, Punnoose VP, Ponnusamy KP, Mysore AV, Daniel SJ. Revisiting postgraduate (PG) psychiatry training in India. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine. 2019 Jul;41(4):380-7.
Nishad PM, Dilshana NB, Kakunje A, Karkal R, Chisty MK. Attitude of non mental health professionals towards the mental illness in a tertiary care center. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Neurosciences. 2019 Jul;2(2):23-28.
Kakunje A, Pookoth R, Ahmed AN, Puthran S, Nambiar A. Aspiration of hijab pin is sharply rising among young women---A preventable health problem. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. 2019 Aug;8(8):2681-2684.
Yadav P, Karkal R, Kakunje A, Mahatme N, Akhilesh M. Prevalence of depressive disorders among head-and-neck cancer patients: A hospital-based, cross-sectional study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. 2019 Jul;61(4):409-414.
Sadashiv M, Kakunje A, Karkal R, Ganganna SH. Twin-center study comparing stigma among males and females with alcohol dependence. Social Health and Behavior. 2020 Apr 1;3(2):38-42.
Kishor M, Menon V, Vinay HR, Bhise MC, Isaac M, Chandran S, Kumar A, Nebhinani N, Gupta R, Dere SS, Kakunje A. COVID-19 pandemic highlights the need to reconsider psychiatry training of Indian medical graduate. International Journal of Health & Allied Sciences. 2020 Apr 1;9(5):104.
PMA Nishad, K Ravichandra, K Anil, VV Mohan Chandran, MK Chisty. When Breath Becomes Air (Book review). Kerala Journal of Psychiatry. 2020; 33(1): 85-7. doi: 10.30834/KJP.33.1.2020.184.
Javed J, Karkal R, Nafisa D, Kakunje A. Folie a deux in monozygotic twins with childhood trauma: A case report. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2020 Jun 4:102192
Topiramate (1000 mg) abuse for weight loss in an adolescent with anorexia nervosa - Kakunje Anil; Mithur Rajesh, Shihabuddeen Ismail, Sowmya, Shetty Shwetha in Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 40(3):312-314, May/June 2020.
Sameed S, Panicker M J, Mendonsa R D, Kakunje A, Karkal R. Clinical, cognitive and sociodemographic variables in melancholic versus non melancholic depression. Soc Health Behav. 2020Jul;3:103-109.
Kakunje A, Prabhu A, Pookoth R, Priya ES, Karkal R, Kumar P, Gupta N. A perspective on predictive markers of alopecia. Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences. 2020 Jul 1;8(2):263.
Chisty MK, Kini G, Kakunje A, Karkal R, Nishad PM. Types of Psychiatric Presentation to Emergency Room of a Tertiary Care Center: A Record-based Retrospective Study. Indian Journal of Private Psychiatry. 2020 Jan;14(1):6-8.
Mahatme NS, Kakunje A, Karkal R. Comparison of maternal stress and psychiatric morbidity among mothers of children having psychiatric disorders and those of typically developing children. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. 2020 Nov;62(6):707-712.
Mahatme NS, Kakunje A, Karkal R. Comparison of maternal stress and psychiatric morbidity among mothers of children having psychiatric disorders and those of typically developing children. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. 2020 Nov 1;62(6):707.
Akhilesh M, Priyamkari A, Kakunje A, Karkal R. Cross sectional study on burden and psychiatric morbidity in the caregivers of patients of major psychiatric illness in a tertiary healthcare centre. Arch Ment Health [Epub ahead of print] [cited 2021 Dec 16].
Janisar Javed, Anil Kakunje; "A One year study on the usuage of Psychiatry Helpline Number ? 9108919025" (Accepted for publication in the in the Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry).
Panicker MJ, Kakunje A. Clinical profile of patients with delirium who presented to the department of psychiatry of a tertiary care teaching hospital. Current Medical Issues. 2021 Apr; 19(2):78.
Bhat M, Kini G, Amithabh S, Kakunje A. A rare case of frontotemporal dementia with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Arch Ment Health 2021;22:162-4.
Bhat M, Kakunje A, Mithur R, Shenoy M M, Mashood K A, Puthran S, Joy A. Stevens Johnson Syndrome while on lamotrigine and NSAID: a case report. Kerala Journal of Psychiatry 2021, 34 (1):64-67.
Amithabh S, Ganesh K, Kakunje A. Comparison of socio-demographic and clinical factors between "unipolar mania" and bipolar affective disorder. Kerala Journal of Psychiatry 2021; 34(2).
Dr. Madhavi Bhat, Dr. Dilshana N B, Dr. Anil Kakunje, Dr. Rajesh M, Dr. Ravichandra Karkal; Levels of stress among post graduate junior residents during their post graduation in Medical Colleges of Coastal Karnataka,- accepted in Journal of Current Research in Scientific Medicine, May 2021.
Kakunje A, Mithur R, Puthran S, Joy A, Shetty S. History of psychiatric rehabilitation in India. Arch Med Health Sci 2021;9:163-70
Panicker MJ, Kakunje A, Nimgaonkar VL, Deshpande S, Bhatia T, Sathyanath S. A pilot open-label study of oral acetazolamide for sodium valproate-associated weight gain in bipolar affective disorder. Archives of Mental Health. 2022 Jan 1;23(1):7.
Shettar M, Karkal R, Kakunje A, Mendonsa R. Internet addiction and sleep quality in medical undergraduates of a university in southern India. Arch Ment Health [Epub ahead of print] [cited 2021 Dec 24]. Available from: https://www.amhonline.org/preprintarticle.asp?id=325653
Kakunje A. Lunar Effect or Transylvania Effect: The Moon and Mind Connection. Ind J Priv Psychiatry 2021;14(2):47-50.
Nafisa D, Kakunje A. Aripiprazole-induced obsessive-compulsive symptoms - A case report.. Industrial Psychiatry J 2022;31:158-61.
Kakunje A, Shetty N, K Kumar KP, Puthran S. A new behavioral addiction: NEWS addiction. Ann Indian Psychiatry 2021;5:185-7
Priyamkari A, Kakunje A, Shenoy MM. Perceived stress and appearance anxiety among people with acne vulgaris. BLDE Univ J Health Sci 2021;6:189-93
Bhat SS, Kalal BS, Veena KM, Kakunje A, Sahana KSR, Rekha PD, Chandra J, Nasreen I. Serum and salivary immunoglobulin G4 levels in children with autism spectrum disorder from south India: a case-control study. Am J Clin Exp Immunol. 2021 Dec 15;10(4):103-111.
Junaidi S, Safoorah A, Rajaratnam A, Kakunje A. A comparative study to assess the prevalence of depression among postnatal mothers undergoing normal versus caesarean delivery . Indian J Obstet Gynecol Res 2021;8(1):100-102.
P Vatsal Suchak, Ganesh Kini K, Anil Kakunje. Narcissism between generation X and generation Y (Millennials) - A cross sectional comparative study. Annals of Indian Psychiatry (Accepted)
Anupama Priyamkari R, Kakunje Anil, Kini Ganesh. An open label study of oral acetazolamide for prevention of antipsychotic associated weight gain. Industrial Psychiatry Journal (Accepted)
Vaddar V, Jeyaram S, Prasad CG, Kandavel T, Anil K. Effectiveness of tele-counselling services among the suspected COVID-19 quarantined individuals with a history of international travel. Indian J Psychiatr Soc Work 2021;11(2):5-17.
Yogya Akkineni, Anil Kakunje. Suicide Reporting In Electronic and Print Media: A Cross Sectional Observational Indian Analysis. Journal of Psychiatry Spectrum. Accepted for publication on 28 Jan 2022.
Bhat M, Kakunje A, Mithur R. A Study of clinical profile and stressors in patients with dissociative disorder to a tertiary care teaching hospital. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry. June 2022 (Accepted).
Dr. Janisar Javed, Shashwath Sathyanath, Malcom Pinto, Anil Kakunje, Manjunath Shenoy Mala. "Oxcarbazepine-induced Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis: A rare case report" Indian Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, June 2022, (Accepted).
Sajeev A, Kakunje A, Karkal R. Hopelessness and quality of life in the elderly: A community based cross sectional study. Journal of Geriatric Mental Health.2022; 9 (1): 21-5.
Suchak V, Sathyanath S, Kakunje A.
Neuropeptides in psychiatry. Arch Med Health Sci 2022; 10: 59-67.
MBBS-Mysore Medical College, Mysore, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore in March 2009
MD in Psychiatry-Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore in April 2013
Junior Resident-Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi (May 2010-April 2013)
Junior Resident-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore(26.06.2013-31.07.2013)
Assistant Professor-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.08.2013-Till date)
Associate Professor-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.08.2018-25.12.2022)
Professor-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (26.12.2022-Till date)
Sathyanath S, Mendonsa RD, Thattil AM, Chandran VM, Karkal RS. Socially restrictive attitudes towards people with mental illness among the non-psychiatry medical professionals in a university teaching hospital in South India. Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2016 May; 62(3):221-226.
Somaraj V, Shenoy RP, Panchmal GS, Jodalli PS, Sonde L, Karkal R. Knowledge, attitude and anxiety pertaining to basic life support and medical emergencies among dental interns in Mangalore City, India. World J Emerg Med. 2017;8(2):131-135
Shettar M, Karkal R, Kakunje A, Mendonsa RD, Chandran VM. Facebook addiction and loneliness in the post-graduate students of a university in southern India. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 2017 May; 63(4): 325-329.
Shettar M,Kakunje A,Chandran M, Mendonsa RD,Karkal R. Presenting complaints in somatoform disorders: a hospital based south Indian study. National Journal of Medical and Dental Research, 2017Jan-March;5(2):106-111.
Ammati R, Kakunje A, Karkal R, Nafisa D, Kini G, Chandrashekaran P. Smartphone Addiction among Students of Medical University in South India: A Cross-Sectional Study. Annals of International Medical and Dental Research. April 2018;4(2):1.
Karkal R, Goyal N, Tikka SK, Khanande RV, Kakunje A, Khess CR. Sensory gating deficits and their clinical correlates in drug-free/drug-naive patients with schizophrenia. Indian journal of psychological medicine. 2018 May;40(3):247.
Ashish Rana, Ravichandra Karkal, Anil Kakunje, Ganesh Kini. Perception of Sexual Dysfunction in Male Patients with Alcohol Dependence. Saudi Journal of Medicine; 2018 Feb, 3 (2), 49-54.
Divya AR, Ravichandra Karkal, Anil Kakunje, Mendonsa Rohan. Sexual Dysfunction in Women Being Treated with SSRIs. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences; 2018 Feb, 6 (2), 711-716.
Kakunje A, Kanaradi H, Pai G, Karkal R, Nafisa D, Chandrasekaran P. Drinking pattern in persons with alcohol dependence with and without cirrhosis: A hospital-based comparative study. Indian J Psychiatry. 2018; 60(2):189-194.
Shettar M, Kakunje A, Karkal R, MendonsaRD, Kini G, Chandran VVM. Sucidality in Somatization and Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorders: A Hospital - Based Study. Archives of Medicine & Health Sciences. 2018 Jan-June; 6(1):36-39.
Ammati R, Kakunje A, Karkal R, Kini G, Srinivasan J, Nafisa D. Stressful life events and quality of life in patients with somatoform disorders. Indian J Soc Psychiatry. 2019 Jan; 35:108-13.
Yadav P, Karkal R, Kakunje A, Mahatme N, Akhilesh M. Prevalence of depressive disorders among head-and-neck cancer patients: A hospital-based, cross-sectional study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. 2019 Jul; 61(4):409-414.
Nishad PM, Dilshana NB, Kakunje A, Karkal R, Chisty MK. Attitude of non mental health professionals towards the mental illness in a tertiary care center. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Neurosciences. 2019 Jul 1; 2(2):23-8.
Sadashiv M, Kakunje A, Karkal R, Ganganna SH. Twin-center study comparing stigma among males and females with alcohol dependence. Social Health and Behavior. 2020 Apr 1;3(2):38-42.
Sameed S, Panicker M J, Mendonsa R D, Kakunje A, Karkal R. Clinical, cognitive and sociodemographic variables in melancholic versus non melancholic depression. Soc Health Behav. 2020; 3:103-109.
PMA Nishad, K Ravichandra, K Anil, VV Mohan Chandran, MK Chisty. When Breath Becomes Air (Book review). Kerala Journal of Psychiatry. 2020; 33(1): 85-7. doi: 10.30834/KJP.33.1.2020.184.
Kini G, Karkal R, Bhargava M. All's not well with the "worried well": Understanding health anxiety due to COVID-19. J PREV MED HYG. 2020;61:E321-3.
Javed J, Karkal R, Nafisa D, Kakunje A. Folie a deux in monozygotic twins with childhood trauma: A case report. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2020 Jun 4:102192.
Ransing R, Kukreti P, Raghuveer P, Mahadevaiah M, Puri M, Pemde H, Karkal R, Patil S, Nirgude A, Kataria D, Sagvekar S, Deshpande SN. Development of a brief psychological intervention for perinatal depression (BIND-P). Asia Pac Psychiatry. 2021 Mar; 13(1):e12436.
Chisty MK, Kini G, Kakunje A, Karkal R, Nishad PM. Types of Psychiatric Presentation to Emergency Room of a Tertiary Care Center: A Record-based Retrospective Study. Indian Journal of Private Psychiatry. 2020 Jan;14(1):6-8.
Akhilesh M, Priyamkari A, Kakunje A, Karkal R. Cross sectional study on burden and psychiatric morbidity in the caregivers of patients of major psychiatric illness in a tertiary healthcare centre. Arch Ment Health 2021.
Hegde S, Karkal R. Explanatory Models of Depression in a Rural Community of Coastal Karnataka, India: A Cross-Sectional Survey. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine [Epub ahead of print] [cited 2021 Dec 3].
Shettar M, Karkal R, Kakunje A, Mendonsa R.
Internet addiction and sleep quality in medical undergraduates of a university
in southern India. Arch Ment Health [Epub ahead of print] [cited 2021 Dec
24]. Available from: https://www.amhonline.org/preprintarticle.asp?id=325653
Dr. Madhavi Bhat, Dr. Dilshana N B, Dr. Anil Kakunje, Dr. Rajesh M, Dr.
Ravichandra Karkal; Levels of stress among post graduate junior residents
during their post graduation in Medical Colleges of Coastal Karnataka,- accepted
in Journal
of Current Research in Scientific Medicine, May 2021.
Ransing R, Kukreti P, Mahadevaiah M, Raghuveer P, Karkal R, Rana S, Yadav R, Choudhary V, Patil I, Sonkar S, Deshpande SN. COVID-19 Pandemic and Stepped Care Model for Perinatal Depression in Rural India: Lessons Learned and the Way Forward. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine. 2021; 1-7.
Hegde S. and Karkal R. Explanatory Models of Depression in a Rural Community of Coastal Karnataka, India: A Cross-Sectional Survey. Indian J Psychol Med. 2021;1-7.
Sajeev A, Kakunje A, Karkal R. Hopelessness and quality of life in the
elderly: A community based cross sectional study. Journal of Geriatric Mental
Health.2022; 9 (1): 21-5.
MBBS-Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore-Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore in April 2008
MD-Psychiatry-Govt. Medical College, Kozhikode-Kerala University, November 2013
Junior Resident-Govt. Medical College, Kozhikode from 05/2010 to 11/2013
Senior Resident- Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore from 26.03.2015 to 10.10.2017
Assistant Professor-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore from 23.10.2017 to 25.12.2022
Associate Professor- Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore from 26.12.2022 to Till date
Kini G, Tharayil HM, Prabhavathy KS, Haridas NJ. Relation between clinical and social variables and duration of untreated psychosis in first episode psychosis. Kerala Journal of Psychiatry 2015; 28(2):140-6
Prabhavathy KS, Kuruvilla PK, Ravindren R, et al. Treatment response in nonpsychotic vs psychotic manias - A follow up study from India. Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2017; 26: 104-108
Ammati R, Kakunje A, Karkal R, Nafisa D, Kini G, Chandrashekaran P. Smartphone Addiction among Students of Medical University in South India: A Cross-Sectional Study. Annals of International Medical and Dental Research. 2018 April; 4(2):1.
Shettar M, Kakunje A, Karkal R, MendonsaRD, Kini G, Chandran VVM. Sucidality in Somatization and Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorders: A Hospital - Based Study. Archives of Medicine & Health Sciences. 2018 Jan-June;6(1):36-39.
Kakunje A, Nishad PM, Kini G, Sathyanath S, VV MC. Unusual/unconventional psychoactive substances of abuse. Kerala Journal of Psychiatry. Jan-June 2018;31(1).
Ammati R, Kakunje A, Karkal R, Kini G, Srinivasan J, Nafisa D. Stressful life events and quality of life in patients with somatoform disorders. Indian J Soc Psychiatry. 2019 Jan; 35:108-13.
Ashish Rana, Ravichandra Karkal, Anil Kakunje, Ganesh Kini. Perception of Sexual Dysfunction in Male Patients with Alcohol Dependence. Saudi Journal of Medicine; February 2018, 3 (2), 49-54.
Chisty MK, Kini G, Kakunje A, Karkal R, Nishad PM. Types of Psychiatric Presentation to Emergency Room of a Tertiary Care Center: A Record-based Retrospective Study. Indian Journal of Private Psychiatry. 2020 Jan;14(1):6-8.
Kini G, Karkal R, Bhargava M. All's not well with the "worried well": Understanding health anxiety due to COVID-19. J PREV MED HYG. 2020;61:E321-3.
Amithabh S, Ganesh K, Kakunje A. Comparison of socio-demographic and clinical factors between "unipolar mania" and bipolar affective disorder. Kerala Journal of Psychiatry 2021; 34(2):
Bhat M, Kini G, Amithabh S, Kakunje A. A rare case of frontotemporal dementia with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Arch Ment Health 2021;22:162-4.
Sundaram SHM, Kota GK, Mendonsa RD, et al. Psychotic Mania and Nonpsychotic Mania: A Comparative, Cross-sectional Study. Ind J Priv Psychiatry 2021
Kini KG, Raju SM. Clinical challenges in
managing zolpidem use disorder: a case report of Annals of Indian Psychiatry
P Vatsal Suchak, Ganesh Kini K, Anil Kakunje. Narcissism between generation X and generation Y (Millennials) - A cross sectional comparative study. Annals of Indian Psychiatry (Accepted)
P Vatsal Suchak, Ganesh Kini K, Anil Kakunje. Narcissism between generation X and generation Y (Millennials) - A cross sectional comparative study. Annals of Indian Psychiatry (Accepted)
Anupama Priyamkari R, Kakunje Anil, Kini Ganesh. An open label study of oral acetazolamide for
prevention of antipsychotic associated weight gain. Industrial Psychiatry
Journal (Accepted)
MBBS-A.J. Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore,Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore in March 2010
M.D. in Psychiatry, Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore, Yenepoya Deemed to be University in April 2015
Junior Resident - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (30.05.2014-15.06.2017)
Senior Resident- Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Medical Sciences, Dharwad (02.06.2015 - 30.04.2016)
Senior Resident- Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (02.05.2016-07.10.2016)
Asst. Professor-Kerala Medical College Hospital, Palakkad(10.10.2016-27.02.2017)
Asst. Professor - K.V. G Medical College & Hospital (01.03.2017-26.07.2018)
Assistant Professor- Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (30.07.2018-Till Date)
Sathyanath SM. Pattern of Psychiatric morbidity in a Tertiary care hospital: A Descriptive study. Int. J. Curr. Res. Aca. Rev. 2015; 3(3).
Sathyanath S, Mendonsa RD, Thattil AM, Chandran VM, Karkal RS. Socially restrictive attitudes towards people with mental illness among the non-psychiatry medical professionals in a university teaching hospital in South India. Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2016 May;62(3):221-226.
Kakunje A, Nishad PM, Kini G, Sathyanath S, VV MC. Unusual/unconventional psychoactive substances of abuse. Kerala Journal of Psychiatry. Jan-June 2018;31(1).
Sathyanath S, Sathyanath SM. Stigma reduction and provision of mental health services in the public health response to COVID-19. Indian Journal of Community Health. 2020 Apr 16;32(2 (Supp)):269-72.
Panicker MJ, Kakunje A, Nimgaonkar VL, Deshpande S, Bhatia T, Sathyanath S. A pilot open-label study of oral acetazolamide for sodium valproate-associated weight gain in bipolar affective disorder. Arch Ment Health [Epub ahead of print] [cited 2021 Dec 24].Availablefrom: https://www.amhonline.org/preprintarticle.asp?id=330925
Dr. Janisar Javed, Shashwath Sathyanath, Malcom Pinto, Anil Kakunje, Manjunath Shenoy Mala. "Oxcarbazepine-induced Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis: A rare case report" Indian Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, June 2022, (Accepted).
Suchak V,
Sathyanath S, Kakunje A. Neuropeptides in psychiatry. Arch Med Health Sci 2022;
10: 59-67.
MBBS-Mysore Medical College, Mysore, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore in March 2013
MD in Psychiatry, Madras Medical College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu MGR Medical University in May 2018
Junior Resident-Madras Medical College, Chennai from 30.05.2015 to 29.05.2018
Senior Resident-Subbaiah Institute of Medical Sciences, Shimoga from 14.08.2018 to 16.05.2019
Senior Resident-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore from 18.05.2019 to 16.07.2021
Assistant Professor-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore from 17.07.2021 to Till date
Topiramate (1000 mg) abuse for weight loss in an adolescent with anorexia nervosa - Kakunje Anil; Mithur Rajesh, Shihabuddeen Ismail, Sowmya, Shetty Shwetha in Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 40(3):312-314, May/June 2020.
Bhat M, Kakunje A, Mithur R, Shenoy M M, Mashood K A, Puthran S, Joy A. Stevens Johnson Syndrome while on lamotrigine and NSAID: a case report. Kerala Journal of Psychiatry 2021, 34 (1):64-67.
Dr. Madhavi Bhat, Dr. Dilshana N B, Dr. Anil Kakunje, Dr. Rajesh M, Dr. Ravichandra Karkal; Levels of stress among post graduate junior residents during their post graduation in Medical Colleges of Coastal Karnataka,- accepted in Journal of Current Research in Scientific Medicine, May 2021.
Kakunje A, Mithur R, Puthran S, Joy A, Shetty S. History of psychiatric rehabilitation in India. Arch Med Health Sci 2021;9:163-70
Bhat M,
Kakunje A, Mithur R. A Study of clinical profile and stressors in patients with
dissociative disorder to a tertiary care teaching hospital. Indian Journal of
Social Psychiatry. June 2022 (Accepted).
MBBS-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore-Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore in 03/2013
MD in Psychiatry, Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore, Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) in 06/2020
Junior Resident-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore from 02.06.2017 to 27.06.2020
Senior Resident, Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore from 05.10.2020 to Till date
Kakunje A, Nishad PM, Kini G, Sathyanath S, VV MC. Unusual/unconventional psychoactive substances of abuse. Kerala Journal of Psychiatry. Jan-June 2018;31(1).
Nishad PM, Dilshana NB, Kakunje A, Karkal R, Chisty MK. Attitude of non mental health professionals towards the mental illness in a tertiary care center. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Neurosciences. 2019 Jul 1;2(2):23-8.
Chisty MK, Kini G, Kakunje A, Karkal R, Nishad PM. Types of Psychiatric Presentation to Emergency Room of a Tertiary Care Center: A Record-based Retrospective Study. Indian Journal of Private Psychiatry. 2020 Jan;14(1):6-8.
PMA Nishad, K Ravichandra,
K Anil, VV Mohan Chandran, MK Chisty. When Breath Becomes Air (Book review).
Kerala Journal of Psychiatry. 2020; 33(1): 85-7. doi:
MD in
DNB in Radio-Therapy, National Board of Examinations, New Delhi in 1991
Post Graduate Diploma - Medical Radiolgy (Therapy), Regional
Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala University in 1988
Junior Resident-Kidwai Institute of Oncology, Bangalore(1990-1992)
Asst. Professor-Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore(1993-1999)
Assoc. Professor-Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore(1999-2001)
Professor-Academy of Medical Science, Kannur(2001-2003)
Professor-Amrita Institute of Medical Science, Kochi(26-05-2003 to 17-12-2016)
Professor & HOD-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore(28.10.2022 - Till Date)
dosimetric analysis of cardiac dose with or without active breath coordinator moderate deep inspiratory breath hold in left sided breast cancer radiotherapy. Kunheri Beena, Kotne S, Nair SS, Makuny D Journal of cancer research and therapeutics. 2017 Jan 1;13(1):56.
comparative study of set up variations and bowel volumes in supine versus prone
positions of patients treated with external beam radiation for carcinoma
rectum. J Can Res Ther 2014; 10:937-41 .Rajeev.K.R, Menon SS, Beena Kunheri,
Holla.R, M.Dinesh
Preoperative long‑course chemoradiation for localized rectal cancer: A retrospective comparison of response and outcome between 5‑fluorouracil/leucovorin versus capecitabine. Kunheri Beena, Gurram B, Madhavan Ram, Makuny Dinesh Indian J Cancer 2016;53:518-23
Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma, experience from a tertiary cancer care center in India. Madhavan R, Beena Kunheri, ArunLal,M, Haridas.M.Nair, Unnikrishnan U.G, Raghavendra Holla, Dinesh Makuny. Indian J Cancer 2017;54:316-20
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by neoadjuvant concurrent chemoradiation for locally advanced breast cancer: a feasibility study and 10 year follow up results. Beena Kunheri, D.K. Vijayakumar, M.Dinesh, K.Pavithran, T.K.Padmanabhan. Indian journal of Gynaecological Oncology. Indian J Gynecol Oncolog (2016) 14: 60. doi:10.1007/s40944-016-0088-7
Trimodality treatment in muscle invasive bladder cancer -What is the current status? Amrita Journal of Medicine,Vol.9, No:1, Jan-Jun 2013, page 14-21. K.Beena, Vishnu Rajan Nambiar, Makuny Dinesh
Hypofractionated intensity modulated radiotherapy in intermediate and high risk prostate cancer: Experience from an Indian tertiary cancer care center. SM Hunugundmath, Beena Kunheri,M.Dinesh Annals of oncology (2015) 26(suppl-9):71-79.
Single fraction radiation: A promising adjuvant therapy to prevent
keloid recurrence May 2017 Journal of cancer research and therapeutics 14
DOI: 10.4103/jcrt.JCRT_20_17
Synchronous phalangeal metastases in upper and lower limbs from primary breast malignancy: a rare case scenario with a review of the literature Rahul Ravind, Chelakkot G Prameela, Bharath Chandra Gurram, and Makuny Dinesh doi: 10.1136/bcr-2015-213246
Prameela G
Chelakkot, Ravind, Rahul, K, Sruthi, Dinesh Makuny et al. Adjuvant
hypofractionated radiation in carcinoma breast - Photon versus Electron:
Comparison of treatment outcome. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics.
2017;13(2):262-267 (DOI: 10.4103/0973-1482.192851
Prameela G
Chelakkot, Rahul Ravind, Bharath C Gurram, Sheejamol V S, Makuny Dinesh. "Prognostic
factors in primary vaginal cancer: A single institute experience and review of
literature". Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India.2016;
66, (5)363-371
Prameela G
Chelakkot, Rahul Ravind, P Md Zaheeruddin, Wesley M Jose, Sheejamol V S, M
Dinesh. "Hyponatremia: Is there an association with disease profile in head
and neck malignancies? Audit from a tertiary cancer care centre".
JIPMER Journal of Cancer.
M.D. in Radiation Oncology, TATA Memorial Hospital - HOMI Bhabha National Institute (Deemed University), Mumbai in 2016
Junior Resident- TATA Memorial Hospital (03.07.2013- 31.08.2016)
Senior Resident- TATA Memorial Hospital (01.09.2016 - 31.08.2019)
Consultant-Radon Cancer Centre, Hubballi ( 09.09.2019-28.10.2021)
Asst. Professor- Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (06.11.2021-Till date)
MBBS-Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal in 03/2014
M.D. in Radiation Oncology, Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bangalore-Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore in 05/2019
Junior Resident 1 - Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bangalore(28.05.2015-25.05.2019)
Senior Resident-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore(07.03.2022-Till date)
Tutor -
Tutor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (11.02.2002 - 28.02.2005)
Senior Resident- Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.03.2005-31.06.2006)
Assistant Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.07.2006-30.11.2011)
Associate Professor- Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.12.2011 - 02.10.2016)
Professor- Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (03.10.2016 - 31.05.2020)
Professor & HOD- Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.06.2020- Till Date)
Dr. Vishwanath Reddy, Dr. RavichandraGopalakrishna, Dr. KeerthikaKrishnakumar “ Chest radiographic findings in RT-PCR positive COVID-19 patients” Indian Journal of Applied Research, p-ISSN: 2249-555X, Volume 12, Issue – 05, May – 2022
Fathima Hana Maqsood1,Adarsh Kibballi Madhukeshwarv2, Abdul Rasheed Valiyapalathingal3 ,Vinayaka U.S4, Devadas Acharya5, RavichandraGopalakrishna, Transient splenial lesion of corpus callosum: A window to many diagnoses, Asian Journal of Medical sciences/Mar2021/Vol 12/Issue 3,
Congenital neuroblastoma- a case report- The Internet Journal of Radiology 2008 volume 9, number 1
‘Journal of clinical and diagnostic research’ Bhat K. R., C.K. Vasu, Ravichandra .G, Rathnkar U.P DevadasaAcharya, Volume 4 2010) pp. 2899
GorlinGolz syndrome - a rare presentation journal of clinical and diagnostic research
Ajmal Shad C. M, Ravichandra G, DevdasAcharya, C. K. Vasu, Vivek “Hammans Syndrome: A Rare Entity Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; Vol.3, Issue 26, June 30; Page: 7082-7086, DOI: 10.14260/ 2014/2862.
Ajmal Shad C. M, Ravichandra G, DevdasAcharya, C. K. Vasu, Vivek. “Penile Doppler in the Evaluation of Erectile Dysfunction”. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; Vol. 3, Issue 26, June 30; Page: 7102-7107, DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2014/2866
Vinayaka U,S, devadasaAcharya K, Arafat M. Haris, Ajmal Shad C. M, Ravichandra G. “Correlation between testicular volume and sperm count in infertile south indian male patients”. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; Vol. 3, Issue 36, August 18; Page: 8620-23, DOI:10.14260/jemds/2014/3223.
Ravichandra G, Aravinda M, Sajeer Mohammed Usman, Vivek S. “USG and MRI correlation in the evaluation of meniscal lesions of knee”. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; Vol. 3, Issue 47, sept 25, 2014; Page: 1131-11337, DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2014/3482
Hemraj SK, Acharya DK, Ravichandra G. Maffucci syndrome revisited.Archives of Medicine and Health Science 2014;2:263.
Vivek S, DevdasAcharya, Ravichandra G, Vinayaka U.S.” Tongue Base Schwannoma – A Rare Entity”. Journal of Evaluation of Medical and Dental Science 2015; vol.4, March 01; Page: 3389-94.
Vinayaka U.S, Hassan H, Acaharya D, Gopalakrishna R, Krishna Nellikunja M, Kumar H. MRI evaluation of pattern of disc displacement of temporomandibular joint and comparison with contralateral asymptomatic Temporomandibular joint. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences.2015; 4(87):15233-237.
Shamseena A, Acharya D, Haris M.A, Gopalakrishna R. Internal auditory canal diameter in children with congenital sensorineural hearing loss. Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research; 2015; 5(1): 466-471.
Shamseena A, Gopalakrishna R, Haris M.A, Acharya D. Imaging in congenital sensorineural hearing loss – Incidence of cochlear nerve abnormalities associated with narrow/stenotic cochlear fossette. Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences 2015; 4(62): 23-27
Vinayaka U.S, Shivalli S, SanthoshPai, Koteshwaradevdas A, gopalakrishna R, Shrikanth V, Reddy V, Haris A. A comparative study of sonographic grading of renal parenchymal changes and estimated glomerular filtration rate(eGFR) using modified diet in renal disease formula. 2016; 10(2):9-11.
Vinayaka US, Ravichandra G, Acharya KD, Muralidhara KN. Contrast-enhanced Computed Tomographic Evaluation of Acute Pancreatitis: An Exploratory Study. International Journal of Scientific society study 2016;3(11):139-146.
GopalkrishnaR, Shankar Arjun, Shaad A, Shenony M, Shamseena. A. High resoluation Ultrasonography in dermatology; a psoarisexperience.Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research. 2016;5(2):121-125.
Haris A, Chembukara V, Kanthila M, Gopalakrishna R, Acharya KD, Hussain M.M. Assessment of MRI as a modality for evaluation of soft tissue injuries of the spine as compared to intraoperative Assessment. Journal of clinical and diagnostic Research 2016: 10 (3): 01-05.
Hemraj S, Abrahm SM, Acharya D, Gopalkrishna R, Vinayaka US. Sonographic correlation of Gestational age with fetal kidney length.International Journal of infertility and fetal medicine. 2016; 7(2):37-41.
Vishwanathreddy, Adarsh KM, Acharya D, Gopalkrishna R, Vinayaka US, Patil R. arewejustifiedinsupplementingelastographywithhighresolutionultrasonographyfordifferentiatingbetweenbenignandmalignant cervical lymphnodes?Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences 2016; 5(103): 7534-39.
Kumar H, K M Adarsh, acharya D, Gopalkrishna R, Vinayaka US. Prevalence of lumbosacral vertebra in a tertiary care hospital.International Medical Journal. 2016; 3(12):1097-1101.
Reshad M, Appukuttan A, Acharya D, Gopalkrishna R, Vinayaka U.S. Small bowel disease- evaluation with CT enteroclysis. Journal of medical dental science 2017; 6(24):1998-2000.
Adarsh KM, Afrin Mohammed, Akshaya K Acharaya, , GopalkrishnaRVinayaka US, Haris A, Reshad M. Experience And Perception Of Ultrasound Use In Antenatal Care Among Women In A Teaching Hospital Of Coastal Karnataka. Journal of medical dental science 2017; 6(07):25-29
Rajkumar P, Gopalakrishna R. Prediction of anemia on unenhanced computed tomography of the thorax. Indian journal of research.2017; 6 (12): issn-2250-1991.
Adarsh K. M, MuhammedShahab M, Pavithra, DevadasAcharya, Ravichandra G, Vinayaka U.S. Evaluation of perianal fistulas using 3.0 tesla MRI. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2018; 7 (14): 6808-6811.
Adarsh K M, Hadi Hassan, DevadasAcharya, Ravichandra G. Evaluation of ocular hemodynamic alterations in patients with diabetes mellitus using colourdoppler imaging. MedPulse – International Journal of Radiology. February 2019; 9(2): 90-93.
AswathiPrakash, Adarsh K M, DevadasaAcharya K, Ravichandra G, Vinayaka U S, Jomon Sunny, Role of diffusion weighted imaging and apparent diffusion coefficient in diagnosing abdominal and pelvic pathologies in 3T MRI: A retrospective cross-sectional study. MedPulse – International Journal of Radiology. February 2019; 9(2): 84-89.
Dr. Akbar Ali C. M, Dr. Adarsh K. M* Dr. Ravichandra G “to study the anatomical variations of cystic duct using 3t MRCP in tertiary care teaching hospital” Indian journal of research | volume-9 | issue-2 | February - 2020 | print ISSN no. 2250 - 1991 | doi :10.36106/paripex.
MD in Radio-Diagnosis- Kasturba Medical College, Manipal- MAHE University(July 2001)
DNB in Radio-Diagnosis- National Board of Examinations, New Delhi- National Board of Examinations, New Delhi(2001)
Junior Resident-Kasturba Medical College, Manipal (08/1998-07/2001)
Assistant Professor-Fr. Muller’s Medical College(27.08.2001-25.11.2001)
Assistant Professor-Christian Medical College, Vellore (10.03.2003- 14.01.2004)
Assistant Professor-Fr. Muller’s Medical College(02.02.2004- 31.07.2008)
Assistant Professor-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.08.2008-01.02.2009)
Assoc. Professor- Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (02.02.2009-28.02.2013)
Professor- Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.03.2013- 31.12.2014)
Professor & HOD- Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.01.2015-31.05.2020)
Professor- Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.06.2020-Till Date)
Fathima Hana Maqsood1,Adarsh Kibballi Madhukeshwarv2, Abdul Rasheed Valiyapalathingal3 ,Vinayaka U.S4, Devadas Acharya5, RavichandraGopalakrishna, Transient splenial lesion of corpus callosum: A window to many diagnoses, Asian Journal of Medical sciences/Mar2021/Vol 12/Issue 3,
Ultrasonography Is Still A Useful Diagnosis Tool In Acute Appendicitis. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research, Tauro LF*, Premanand TS*, Aithala PS*, George C*, Suresh HB*, Acharya D*, John P Volume 3 (2009) Issue 5, page – 1731-1736
GorlinGolz syndrome - a rare presentation journal of clinical and diagnostic research. ‘Journal of clinical and diagnostic research’Bhat K. R., C.K. Vasu, Ravichandra .G, Rathnkar U.P DevadasaAcharya, Volume 4 2010) pp. 2899
Case Report : Para – Esophageal Hernia Presenting With Severe Anaemia And Pneumonia, Karnataka PaediatricJournal Volume – 25 No- 3, 4 – 2011, Ravichandra G, Faheem M, Ragavendra B, Devdas A, Habeeb R, Reshad M.
Bilateral submandibular salivary gland venous vascular malformation with ultrasound guided sclerotheraphy. ‘Asian Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery‘ DevadasaAcharya, Suresh HadihallyByregowda, VinodHegade, SahanaDevadasaAcharyaVolume23 (2011) pp. 28-30. Publisher Elsevier.
Subcutaneous dirofilariasis : Singapore Med Journal 2012, 53(9):e184DevdasAcharya, Priyank S Chatra, Sunil RaoPadmaraj, Ashraf Ahamed
Pulmonary hamartoma: cystological study of a case and literature review ‘Journal of cystology’ T Umashankar, Acharya K Devdas, G Ravichandra, Parasappa J Yarnal/October 2012/volume 29/Issue 4.
Umashankar, Acharya K Devdas, G Ravichandra, Parasappa J Yarnal Pulmonary hamartoma.Cytological study of a case and literature review.‘Journal of cystology’ /October 2012/volume 29/IssueDevdasAcharya, Priyank S Chatra, Sunil RaoPadmaraj, Ashraf Ahamed.Subcutaneousdirofilariasis.Singapore Med Journal 2012, 53(9):e184-e185.
Subcutaneous dirofilariasis : Singapore Med Journal 2012, 53(9):e184DevdasAcharya, Priyank S Chatra, Sunil RaoPadmaraj, Ashraf Ahamed
Pulmonary hamartoma: cystological study of a case and literature review ‘Journal of cystology’ T Umashankar, Acharya K Devdas, G Ravichandra, Parasappa J Yarnal/October 2012/volume 29/Issue 4.
Umashankar, Acharya K Devdas, G Ravichandra, Parasappa J Yarnal Pulmonary hamartoma.Cytological study of a case and literature review.‘Journal of cystology’ /October 2012/volume 29/IssueDevdasAcharya, Priyank S Chatra, Sunil RaoPadmaraj, Ashraf Ahamed.Subcutaneousdirofilariasis.Singapore Med Journal 2012, 53(9):e184-e185.
Vijay R, Hyder AR, Vinayaka US, Acharya D. The curious case of a man with freckles and obscure G.I.bleed. Accepted for Tropical Gastroenterology 2013; 34(2): PMID.
Mujeeb M Rahiman, T Manasa, DevdasAcharyaKoteshwara. Magnetic Resonance Imaging.An accurate diagnostic tool in the precise localization of penile fracture.Year 2013/volume: 1/Issue :1/Page: 54-56.
Ravichandra G, Harischandra B, KrishnarajUpadhyaya K, DevdasAcharya, RohitMadhurkar. Parasitic Uterine Leiomyoma; Years after hysterectomy: A case report.Volume 2 Issue 3 2013.
DevdasAcharya, Ravichandra G, C.K.Vasu, RohitMadhurkar, Arafat Haris. Dual thyroid ectopia: A Rare case Report. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Science/ Volume 2/ Issue 30/ July 29, 2013.
Ajmal Shad C. M, Ravichandra G, DevdasAcharya, C. K. Vasu, Vivek “Hammans Syndrome: A Rare Entity Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; Vol.3, Issue 26, June 30; Page: 7082-7086, DOI: 10.14260/ 2014/2862.
Ajmal Shad C. M, Ravichandra G, DevdasAcharya, C. K. Vasu, Vivek. “Penile Doppler in the Evaluation of Erectile Dysfunction”. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; Vol. 3, Issue 26, June 30; Page: 7102-7107, DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2014/2866
Vinayaka U,S, devadasaAcharya K, Arafat M. Haris, Ajmal Shad C. M, Ravichandra G. “Correlation between testicular volume and sperm count in infertile south indian male patients”. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; Vol. 3, Issue 36, August 18; Page: 8620-23, DOI:10.14260/jemds/2014/3223
Hemraj SK, Acharya DK, Ravichandra G. Maffucci syndrome revisited.Archives of Medicine and Health Science 2014;2:263.
Vivek S, DevdasAcharya, Ravichandra G, Vinayaka U.S.” Tongue Base Schwannoma – A Rare Entity”. Journal of Evaluation of Medical and Dental Science 2015; vol.4, March 01; Page: 3389-94.
Vinayaka U.S, Hassan H, AcaharyaD,Gopalakrishna R, Krishna Nellikunja M, Kumar H. MRI evaluation of pattern of disc displacement of temporomandibular joint and comparison with contralateral asymptomatic Temporomandibular joint. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences.2015; 4(87):15233-237.
Shamseena A, Gopalakrishna R, Haris M.A, Acharya D. Imaging in congenital sensorineural hearing loss – Incidence of cochlear nerve abnormalities associated with narrow/stenotic cochlear fossette. Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences 2015; 4(62): 23-27.
Shamseena A, Acharya D, Haris M.A, Gopalakrishna R. Internal auditory canal diameter in children with congenital sensorineural hearing loss. Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research; 2015; 5(1): 466-471.
Vinayaka U.S, Shivalli S, SanthoshPai, KoteshwaradevdasA,gopalakrishna R, Shrikanth V, Reddy V, Haris A. A comparative study of sonographic grading of renal parenchymal changes and estimated glomerular filtration rate(eGFR) using modified diet in renal disease formula. 2016; 10(2):9-11.
Vinayaka US, Ravichandra G, Acharya KD, Muralidhara KN. Contrast-enhanced Computed Tomographic Evaluation of Acute Pancreatitis: An Exploratory Study. International Journal of Scientific society study 2016;3(11):139-146.
Haris A, Chembukara V, Kanthila M, Gopalakrishna R, Acharya KD, Hussain M.M. Assessment of MRI as a modality for evaluation of soft tissue injuries of the spine as compared to intraoperative Assessment. Journal of clinical and diagnostic Research 2016: 10 (3): 01-05.
Parveen S, Mascarenhas R, AcharyaD.Prenatal and postnatal growth: An ultrasound and clinical investigation.APOS Trends in Orthodontics.2016; 6 (3):147-153
Hemraj S, Abrahm SM, Acharya D, Gopalkrishna R, Vinayaka US. Sonographic correlation of Gestational age with fetal kidney length.International Journal of infertility and fetal medicine. 2016; 7(2):37-41.
Vishwanathreddy, Adarsh KM, Acharya D, Gopalkrishna R, Vinayaka US, Patil R. arewejustifiedinsupplementingelastographywithhighresolutionultrasonographyfordifferentiatingbetweenbenignandmalignant cervical lymphnodes?Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences 2016; 5(103): 7534-39.
Kumar H, K M Adarsh, acharyaD,Gopalkrishna R, Vinayaka US. Prevalence of lumbosacral vertebra in a tertiary care hospital.International Medical Journal. 2016; 3(12):1097-1101.
Reshad M, Appukuttan A, Acharya D, Gopalkrishna R, Vinayaka U.S. Small bowel disease- evaluation with CT enteroclysis. Journal of medical dental science 2017; 6(24):1998-2000.
Adarsh KM, Afrin Mohammed, Akshaya K Acharaya D , Gopalkrishna G Vinayaka US, Haris A, ReshadM.Experience And Perception Of Ultrasound Use In Antenatal Care Among Women In A Teaching Hospital Of Coastal Karnataka. Journal of medical dental science 2017; 6(07):25-29
Adarsh K. M, MuhammedShahab M, Pavithra, DevadasAcharya, Ravichandra G, Vinayaka U.S. Evaluation of perianal fistulas using 3.0 tesla MRI.Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2018; 7 (14): 6808-6811
Vishwanathreddy,DevadasAcharya, Althaf Khan, RenukaPatil. Transrectal Ultrasonography Guided Prostate Biopsy in Evaluating Prostate Cancer with Histopathological Evaluation and Prostate Specific Antigen Correlation. Sept. 30, 2019, Vol. 8/ Issue 39,2278-4748
Dr. Fathima Hana M.1 Dr. Abdul RasheedV.P.2Dr. DevdasAcharya K.3 “Anatomical Variations Of Branching Of Aortic Arch On Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography Of Thorax”IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 19, Issue 2 Ser.19 (February. 2020), PP 44-48
Dr. Fathima Hana M.1 Dr. Abdul Rasheed V.P.2 Dr. DevdasAcharya K.3 “Significance of Diffusion Weighted Imaging and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in Differentiation of Solid Breast Lesions”, IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), (April. 2020),, Volume 19 (Issue 4), PP 47-51
Dr.Abhijit N Markande1 ,Dr.Devadas Acharya.K2, Variations in the Branching Pattern of the Popliteal Artery As Detected By Multidetector CT Angiography, IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 18, Issue 12 Ser.8 (December. 2019), PP 42-47
Dr.Abhijit N Markande1 ,Dr.DevadasAcharya, “ Role of contrast ehnanced fluid attenuating inversion recovery in magnetic resonance imaging for evaluation of leptomeningeal pathologies”, InternationJoural of Scientific Research, ISSN: 2277-8179, Volume-9, Issue 6 (June 2020).
Dr.ReyanRauf K.E1, Dr.DevadasAcharya2 ,Dr.Adarsh K.M.3, Distension Technique Using Water to Improve Computed Tomographic Evaluation of Oral Cavity Lesions, IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 19, Issue 7 Ser.5 (July. 2020), PP 12-15
D.M.R.D. in
D.N.B. in Radio-Diagnosis - K.G. Hospital Coimbatore, Tamilnadu - NBE, New Delhi (April 2007)
Junior Resident - J.N. Medical College, Belgaum (03/2002 - 04/2004)
D.N. B. Trainee - K.G. Hospital & Post Graduate Medical Institute (01.07.2004 - 30.06.2006)
Junior Resident - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (16.07.2007 - 15.07.2008)
Senior Resident - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (16.07.2008 - 15.07.2009)
Assistant Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (16.07.2009 - 31.08.2014)
Associate Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.09.2014 - 02.09.2020)
Additional Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (03.09.2020 - 25.12.2022)
Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (26.12.2022 - Till Date)
Fathima Hana Maqsood1,Adarsh Kibballi Madhukeshwarv2, Abdul Rasheed Valiyapalathingal3 ,Vinayaka U.S4, Devadas Acharya5, RavichandraGopalakrishna, Transient splenial lesion of corpus callosum: A window to many diagnoses, Asian Journal of Medical sciences/Mar2021/Vol 12/Issue 3,
Dr. Vidya T K, Dr. VInayaka U S, “Comparative study of Diagnostic Accuracy Between Sonography and 3 Tesla MRCP in Diagnosing suspected cases of obstructive Jaundice presenting to a tertiary care hospital in coastal karnataka, IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), e-ISSN:2279-0853, p-ISSN:2279-0861. Volume 19, Issue 9, Ser 10 (September 2020), PP12-32
Vijay R, Hyder AR, VinayakaUS,Acharya D. The curious case of a man with freckles and obscure G.I.bleed. Accepted for Tropical Gastroenterology 2013; 34(2): PMID.IN
Appendico-vaginal Fistula – A rare complication of Appendicitis- The Internet Journal of Radiology 2008 volume 9, number 1
Vinayaka U. S, AjamlShaad C. M, Vijayalakshmi S, SheethalRai. “Paralaryngeal Abscess Presented with Acute Breathlessness and Hoarseness of Voice: A Rare Entity”. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; 3 (31) : 8620-8623, DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2014/3096
Vinayaka U,S, devadasaAcharya K, Arafat M. Haris, Ajmal Shad C. M, Ravichandra G. “Correlation between testicular volume and sperm count in infertile south indian male patients”. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; Vol. 3, Issue 36, August 18; Page: 8620-23, DOI:10.14260/jemds/2014/3223.
VinayakaUS,SiddharudhaShivalli, SheetalRai, Arafat M. Haris, RohitMadhurkar, SandhyaHemraj. “Diagnostic Accuracy of High Resolution Ultrasound to differentiate Neoplastic and Non Neoplastic Causes of Cervical Lymphadenopathy”. Journal of clinical and Diagnostic Research 2014; Vol. 8, Issue 9: RC08-RC10.
Vivek S, DevdasAcharya, Ravichandra G, Vinayaka U.S.” Tongue Base Schwannoma – A Rare Entity”. Journal of Evaluation of Medical and Dental Science 2015; vol.4, March 01; Page: 3389-94.
Vinayaka U. S,Indumathi D. Mallya, PrashanthMallya, AyashathSamsheena. “salpingitisisthamicanodosa, a rare cause of female infertility: Journal of Medical Sciences 2015; Vol. 4, Issue 62, August; Page: 2278-4802.
Vinayaka U.S, Hassan H, Acaharya D, Gopalakrishna R, Krishna Nellikunja M, Kumar H. MRI evaluation of pattern of disc displacement of temporomandibular joint and comparison with contralateral asymptomatic Temporomandibular joint. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences.2015; 4(87):15233-237.
VinayakaU.S,Shivalli S, SanthoshPai, Koteshwaradevdas A, gopalakrishna R, Shrikanth V, Reddy V, Haris A. A comparative study of sonographic grading of renal parenchymal changes and estimated glomerular filtration rate(eGFR) using modified diet in renal disease formula. 2016; 10(2):9-11.
Vinayaka US, Ravichandra G, Acharya KD, Muralidhara KN. Contrast-enhanced Computed Tomographic Evaluation of Acute Pancreatitis: An Exploratory Study. International Journal of Scientific society study 2016;3(11):139-146.
Hemraj S, Abrahm SM, Acharya D, Gopalkrishna R, VinayakaUS.Sonographic correlation of Gestational age with fetal kidney length.International Journal of infertility and fetal medicine. 2016; 7(2):37-41.
Shelly BP, VinayakaUS.Schwartz-jampel syndrome: clinical and diagnostic phenotype of rare genetic disorder.Arch Med Health Science 2016;4:290-1.
Kumar H, K M Adarsh, acharya D, Gopalkrishna R, Vinayaka US. Prevalence of lumbosacral vertebra in a tertiary care hospital.International Medical Journal. 2016; 3(12):1097-1101.
Reshad M, Appukuttan A, Acharya D, Gopalkrishna R, Vinayaka U.S. Small bowel disease- evaluation with CT enteroclysis. Journal of medical dental science 2017; 6(24):1998-2000.
Adarsh KM, Afrin Mohammed, Akshaya K Acharaya, , Gopalkrishna G VinayakaUS,Haris A, Reshad M. Experience And Perception Of Ultrasound Use In Antenatal Care Among Women In A Teaching Hospital Of Coastal Karnataka. Journal of medical dental science 2017; 6(07):25-29
Adarsh K. M, MuhammedShahab M, Pavithra, DevadasAcharya, Ravichandra G, Vinayaka U.S. Evaluation of perianal fistulas using 3.0 tesla MRI.Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2018; 7 (14): 6808-6811.
Shahab M, Vinayaka U.S. CT scan evaluation of anatomical variations of Paranasal sinuses in patients with complaints related to Paranasal sinuses – an exploratory study. International Journal Of Science and Research 2018;7(9):611-613
Dr.Vidya T.K1, Dr.Vinayaka U.S2, “Role Of 3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance CholangioPancreatography In Differentiation Of Benign And Malignant Causes Of Biliary Obstruction”, IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861, Volume 19, Issue 7 Ser.2 (July. 2020), PP 49-51.
MBBS-Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Science, Bellary-Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore(February 2011)
MD in Radio diagnosis-Bangalore Medical College & Research Institute, Bangalore-Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore( April 2015)
Junior Resident-Bangalore Medical College & Research Institute, Bangalore(05/2012-04/2015)
Senior Resident-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore(01.06.2015-31.08.2016)
Assistant Professor-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.09.2016-16.07.2021)
Associate Professor-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (17.07.2021-Till date)
Fathima Hana Maqsood1,Adarsh Kibballi Madhukeshwarv2, Abdul Rasheed Valiyapalathingal3 ,Vinayaka U.S4, Devadas Acharya5, RavichandraGopalakrishna, Transient splenial lesion of corpus callosum: A window to many diagnoses, Asian Journal of Medical sciences/Mar2021/Vol 12/Issue 3,
Akash, A. R., Subhodha, H. R., Adarsh, K. M. and GangadharaSomayaji Correlation of pre-operative ultrasonography (USG) and post-operative Histopathology report in thyroid disease. International Journal of Current Research, January, 2019 Vol. 11, Issue, 01, pp.(158-161).
RakeshDharmarajan, Adarsh KM. Correlation of MDCT imaging findings following acute cholecystitis. MedPulse-International journal of Radiology.2019; 9(2): 46-50.
Adarsh KM, Hadi Hassan, DevadasAcharya, Ravichandra G. Evaluation of ocular hemodynamic alterations in patients with diabetes mellitus using colour Doppler imaging.International Journal of Radiology.MedPulse-International journal of Radiology. 2019; 9(2): 90-93.
AswathiPrakash, Adarsh KM, Acharya D, Rvichandra G, VinayakaUS.Role of diffusion weighted imaging and apparent diffusion coefficient in diagnosing abdominal and pelvic pathologies in 3T MRI: A retrospective cross-sectional study. MedPulse-International journal of Radiology. 2019; 9(2): 84-89.
Adarsh K. M, MuhammedShahab M, Pavithra H, DevadasAcharya, Ravichandra G. Implementation of PI-RADS in prostate cancer with 3 Tesla MRI – A pilot study. Journal of evaluation of medical and dental sciences. 2018; 7(14): 6808-11.
Adarsh K M,HassanMammathrayillath Ali. Evaluation of perianal fistulas using 3.0 Tesla MRI.Paripex- Indian journal of research - an International Journal. 2015; 7(1): 19-21.
K. S. Vedaraju, M. R. Srinivas, Ashwini C, Vijayaraghavachari, Adarsh K. M, RiyaJeeson.Enterohepatic Fistula Associated With Liver Abscess - An Extremely Rare Presentation. Journal Of Evidence Based Medicine And Healthcare. 2015; 2(8):1089-92.
Vijay Kumar K. R, Vijayaraghavachari T. V, Adarsh K. M, RiyaJeeson, Ashwini C, Ramesh V. Traumatic Gastropleural Fistula Complicated By Empyema And Pneumothorax. Journal Of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare. 2015; 2(8) Page: 1089-1092.
Adarsh K M, Ravi N, Ashwini C, Ramesh V. Giant Cell Tumor Of Patella-Common Tumor In Uncommon Location. International Journal Innovative Research and Development. 2014; 3(13):414-17.
Kumar H, K M Adarsh, acharya D, Gopalkrishna R, Vinayaka US. Prevalence of lumbosacral vertebra in a tertiary care hospital.International Medical Journal. 2016; 3(12):1097-1101.
Adarsh K M, Afrin Mohammed, Akshaya KM, Acharaya D, Gopalkrishna G, Vinayaka US, Haris A, Reshad M. Experience And Perception Of Ultrasound Use In Antenatal Care Among Women In A Teaching Hospital Of Coastal Karnataka. Journal of medical dental science.2017; 6(07):25-29.
Vishwanathreddy, Adarsh KM, Acharya D, Gopalkrishna R, Vinayaka US, Patil R. Are we justified in supplementing elastographywithhighresolution ultrasonography for differentiating between benign and malignant cervical lymphnodes?Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences .2016; 5(103): 7534-39.
M.R Srinivas, K.M Adarsh, Riya J, C. Ashwini, B.R. Nagaraj. Congenital anatomic variants of the kidney and ureter: a pictorial essay.Japanese Journal of Radiology;2015;DOI 10.1007/s11604-015-0514-2.
Dr.ReyanRauf K.E1, Dr.DevadasAcharya2 ,Dr.Adarsh K.M.3, Distension Technique Using Water to Improve Computed Tomographic Evaluation of Oral Cavity Lesions, IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 19, Issue 7 Ser.5 (July. 2020), PP 12-15
K M KibballiMadhukeshwar Adarsh1, Prakash Aswathi2, H Pavithra3, Hassan Hadi4, Sunny Jomon5, Rasheed Abdul Valiyapalathignal, “ Better Predictor of Fetal Weight: Mid-thigh soft tissue thickness versus hadlock’s Method – A Prospective Observational Study”, Journal of Medical Science and Health/ May-August 2020/ Volume 6/ Issue 2, PP 25-29
M.D. in Radio-Diagnosis - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore - Yenepoya University (May 2017)
Junior Resident - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (30.06.2014 - 29.06.2017)
Senior Resident - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore(05.07.2017 - 31.01.2019)
Assistant Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore(01.02.2019 - Till Date)
Syedataskeentaj, Vishwanath Reddy “Accuracy of HRCT in diagnosing COVID-19 in suspected patients with initial negative RT-PCR: A Retrospective analysis of discordant cases” MedicaInnovatica, Jul-Dec 2022, Volume 11, Issue 2
Dr. Vishwanath Reddy, Dr. RavichandraGopalakrishna, Dr. KeerthikaKrishnakumar “ Chest radiographic findings in RT-PCR positive COVID-19 patients” Indian Journal of Applied Research, p-ISSN: 2249-555X, Volume 12, Issue – 05, May – 2022
Vishwanath Reddy1, Renuka Patil2, “Our experience with Radio-patholigcal diagnosis of liver lesions in a tertiary health care centre” – MedicaInnovatica/ Jan-June2021/ Volume 10/ Issue 1
Vinayaka U.S, Shivalli S, SanthoshPai, Koteshwaradevdas A, gopalakrishna R, Shrikanth V, Reddy V, Haris A. A comparative study of sonographic grading of renal parenchymal changes and estimated glomerular filtration rate(eGFR) using modified diet in renal disease formula. 2016; 10(2):9-11.
Vishwanathreddy, Adarsh KM, Acharya D, Gopalkrishna R, Vinayaka US, Patil R. arewejustifiedinsupplementingelastographywithhighresolutionultrasonographyfordifferentiatingbetweenbenignandmalignant cervical lymphnodes?Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences 2016; 5(103): 7534-39.
Vishwanathreddy,DevadasAcharya, Althaf Khan, RenukaPatil. Transrectal Ultrasonography Guided Prostate Biopsy in Evaluating Prostate Cancer with Histopathological Evaluation and Prostate Specific Antigen Correlation. Sept. 30, 2019 , Vol. 8/ Issue 39,2278-4748
MD in Radio-Diagnosis-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore-Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) in 04/2019
Junior Resident-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore(03.05.2016-02.05.2019)
Senior Resident-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore(17.06.2019-30.06.2021)
Assistant Professor-Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore(01.07.2021-Till date)
Dr. Abdul Rasheed VP, Dr. Adarsh K M “comparison of doppler indices of bilateral superior thyroid arteries in euthyroid and hyperthyroid patients” Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Science ,April 1st 2019 issue 13(8).
Dr. Fathima Hana M.1Dr. Abdul RasheedV.P.2 Dr. DevdasAcharya K.3 “Anatomical Variations Of Branching Of Aortic Arch On Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography Of Thorax”IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 19, Issue 2 Ser.19 (February. 2020), PP 44-48
MBBS- Academy of Medical Sciences, Pariyaram, Kannur- Kannur University (03/2014)
M.D. in Radio-Diagnosis - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore - Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) (06/2020)
Junior Resident - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (07.06.2017 - 26.06.2020)
Senior Resident -
Fathima Hana Maqsood1,Adarsh Kibballi Madhukeshwarv2, Abdul Rasheed Valiyapalathingal3 ,Vinayaka U.S4, Devadas Acharya5, RavichandraGopalakrishna, Transient splenial lesion of corpus callosum: A window to many diagnoses, Asian Journal of Medical sciences/Mar2021/Vol 12/Issue 3,
Dr. Fathima Hana M.1Dr. Abdul RasheedV.P.2 Dr. DevdasAcharya K.3 “Anatomical Variations Of Branching Of Aortic Arch On Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography Of Thorax”IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 19, Issue 2 Ser.19 (February. 2020), PP 44-48
MBBS - Academy of Medical Sciences, Pariyaram, Kannur - Kannur University (03/2011)
M.D. in Radio-Diagnosis - K.S. Hegde Medical Academy, Mangalore - Nitte University (10/2019)
Junior Resident - K.S. Hegde Medical Academy, Mangalore (05.05.2016 - 04.05.2019)
Senior Resident -
MD in Radio – Diagnosis - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore - Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) (05/2021)
Junior Resident - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (02.05.2018 - 24.06.2021)
Senior Resident -
MD in Radiology - M.V.J Medical College and Research Hospital - Rajiv Gandhi University Of Health Sciences (06/2022)
Junior Resident - M.V.J. Medical College & Research Hospital, Bangalore (02.05.2019 - 01.05.2022)
Senior Resident - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (17.08.2022 - Till Date)
MBBS - Jagadguru Jayadeva Murugarajendra Medical College, Davangere - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore (03/2010)
M.D. in Respiratory Medicine - PT. B.D. Sharma Post graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak - PT. B.D. Sharma University (06/2017)
Junior Resident - PT. B.D. Sharma Post graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak (04.07.2014 - 03.07.2017)
Senior Resident - Jagadguru Jayadeva Murugarajendra Medical College, Davangere (11.10.2017 - 27.10.2020)
Assistant Professor -
Prem P. Gupta, Adarsh B. Mynalli, Aparna Yadav “Efficacy of cartridge based nucleic acid amplification test to diagnose tubercular pleural effusion.” International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 2017 Aug; 5(8): 3637-3643
Prem Parkash Gupta, Adarsh B Mynalli, Aparna Yadav “Diagnostic Role of Cartridge Based Nucleic Acid Amplification Test in Diagnosing Tuberculosis in Patients Co-infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus.” Journal of Medical Science And Clinical Research 2017 May; 5(5): 21841-21848
MD in Respiratory Medicine - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore - Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) (05/2021)
Junior Resident - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (02.05.2018 - 30.06.2021)
Senior Resident - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (06.09.2021 - Till date)
Mathew SB, Chandra SKS, Mynalli AB, Kandal I. Clinicopathological radiological and bronchoscopic evaluation of suspected lung malignancy. Int J Res Med Sci 2022; 10:2611-6.
Dr Stacey Boban Mathew, Dr Irfan, Dr. Adarsh Mynalli, Dr Sharath Chandra K S “A Retrospective Analysis of Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis”, Indian Journal Of Scientific Research; - May - 2022, Vol – 11, Issue - 5, P. No. 2277-8179
Dr Sharath Chandra K S, Dr Irfan, Dr B S Verma, Dr Mahsheeba K M, Dr Stacey Boban Mathew, Dr Shanavas Sameer- Assessment of Nutritional Status (Assessed by BMI and Triceps Skin Fold Thickness) in patients with COPD and its Correlation with Severity of the Disease. PARIPEX - INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH; Volume-9, Issue-2, February - 2020.
DNB in
M.Ch. in Surgical Oncology - Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bangalore - Bangalore University (1993)
PGDHM in Hospital Management - Annamalai University (2003)
FRCS - Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons,
Glasgow (2007)
PG Resident - in General Surgery - Hal Hospital, Bangalore (1981-1983)
Senior House Officer - in Plastic Surgery - St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore (01.07.1983 - 31.12.1983)
Registrar - in Genito-Urinary Surgery - St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore (05.03.1984 - 20.05.1984)
Resident Surgeon - in General Surgery - Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bangalore (26.12.1984 - 27.12.1986)
Assistant Professor - in General Surgery - JSS Medical College, Mysore (15.02.1987 - 30.09.1987)
Lecturer - in Surgical Oncology - Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bangalore (03.10.1987 - 05.03.1990)
Assistant Professor - in Surgical Oncology - Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bangalore (06.03.1990 - 30.05.1999)
Associate Professor - in Surgical Oncology - Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bangalore (31.05.1999 - 25.09.2002)
Professor - in Surgical Oncology - Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bangalore (26.09.2002 - 30.06.2015)
Professor - in Surgical Oncology - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (02.07.2015 - 30.09.2018)
Professor & HOD - in Surgical Oncology - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.10.2018 - Till Date)
Manavalan, V., AswiniDutt, R., Harishchandra, B. et al. Continuum of Surgical Skill Acquisition for the Postgraduate Residents During COVID Pandemic: Role of Advanced Simulators in a Multipronged Modular Approach. Indian J SurgOncol (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13193-021-01472-9
Najar MA, Rex DAB, Modi PK, Agarwal N, Dagamajalu S, Karthikkeyan G, Vijayakumar M, Chatterjee A, Sankar U, Prasad TSK. A complete map of the Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase 2 (CAMKK2) signaling pathway. J Cell Commun Signal 2021 15:283–290
Somashekhar SP, Acharya R, Vijaymumar M, et al. Adaptations and safety modifications to perform safe minimal access surgery (MIS: Laparoscopy and Robotic) during the COVID-19 pandemic: practice modifications expert panel consensus guidelines from Academia of Minimal Access Surgical Oncology (AMASO). Indian J SurgOncol (2021) 12:210–220. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13193-020-01254-9
Aravind A, Palollathil A, Rex DA, Kumar KM, Vijayakumar M, Shetty R, Codi JA, Prasad TS, Raju R. A multi-cellular molecular signaling and functional network map of C–C motif chemokine ligand 18 (CCL18): a chemokine with immunosuppressive and pro-tumor functions. Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling. 2021 Jul 1:1-8.
Amjesh Revikumar, Vivek Kashyap, Akhina Palollathi,Anajana Aravind, Rajeshwari Raguraman,Kenkere Mallikarjunaiah Kiran Kumar,Manavalan Vijayakumar,Thottethodi Subrahmanya Keshava Prasad And Rajesh Raju. (2021) . Multiple G-quadruple binding ligand induced transcriptomic map of cancer cell lines. Journal of cell communication and Signaling. https://doi.org.1007/s12079-021-00637
Palollathil A, Aravind A, Vijayakumar M, Kotimoole CN, Mohanty V, Behera SK, Kashyap V, Kiran Kumar KM, Shetty R, Codi JA, Raju R. Omics Data Mining for multiPTMs in Oral Cancer: Cellular Proteome and Secretome of Chronic Tobacco-Treated Oral Keratinocytes. OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology. 2021 Jul 1;25(7):450-62
M Vijayakumar, Rohan Shetty Robotic Surgery in Oncology Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology 2020, Dec;11(4):549-51.
Incidence and pattern of distribution of cancer in India: A secondary data analysis from six population- based cancer registries. Mathew RT, Shetty R, Vijayakumar M. Authors' reply to Ventrapati. Cancer Research, Statistics, and Treatment. 2021 Jan 1;4(1):154.
Rohan Shetty, Rohan Thomas Mathew, Manavalan Vijayakumar Incidence and pattern of distribution of cancer in India: A secondary data analysis from six population-. based cancer registries Cancer Research, Statistics, and Treatment 2020 Oct 1;3(4):678
Rohan Shetty, KC Jalaluddin Akbar, HT Amar Rao, Manavallan Vijayakumar, RJ Dinesh Reddy Robotic esophageal mobilization: A new norm in the future? Oncology Journal of India 2020 Sep 1;4(3):87.
Shobha Dagamajalu, Manavalan Vijayakumar, Rohan Shetty, DAB Rex, Chinmaya Narayana Kotimoole, TS Keshava PrasadProteogenomic examination of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC): new lines of inquiryExpert Review of Proteomics2020 Sep 1;17(9):649-62.
Nayak SP, Pokharkar H, Gurawalia J, Dev K, ChanduriS,Vijayakumar M (2019) Efficacy and safety of lateral approach-video endoscopic inguinal lymphadenectomy (L-VEIL) over open inguinal block dissection: a retrospective study. Indian J SurgOncol 10:555–562. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12079-020-00592-1Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology 2019 Sep; 10(3): 555–562.
Malhotra GK, Yanala U, Ravipati A, Follet M, Vijayakumar M, Are C (2017) Global trends in esophageal cancer. J SurgOncol. 2017 2017 Apr;115(5):564-579. doi: 10.1002/jso.24592. Epub 2017 Mar 20.
Shankar K, Vijayakumar M, Srinivas C, Nayak S, Suma MN (2017) Sarcomatoid Carcinoma of the Penis. Indian J SurgOncol 2017 2017 Mar;8(1):85-87. doi: 10.1007/s13193-016-0531-3.
Vijayakumar M, Rajkumar PN, Dinesh MG, Nayak S (2017) Giant Cell Tumour of the Sternum: a Case Report and Review of the Literature. Indian J SurgOncol 2017 Published 11 April 2017 • DOI:10.1007/s13193-017-0648-z Volume No : 8 Page number :420-422
VijayaKumar M, Ramachandra C, Srinivas C (2017) End-To-Side Pancreatico-Jejunostomy-Early Postoperative Outcomes In 65 Consecutive Cases Of Whipples Procedure. Journal of Cancer Research &Therapeutics . 2017 Vol. 13, pS253-S253. 1/3p.
Dev K,Vijayakumar M, Kumar KV V (2017) Less Than 12 Lymph Nodes Retrieval In Surgical Specimen After Neoadjuvant Chemo-Radiotherapy In Rectal Cancer: Short Term Results With Disease Control Profile.Journal of Cancer Research &Therapeutics2017 Supplement, Vol. 13, pS255-S255. 1/4p.
Damineni S, Balaji SA, Vijayakumar M, et al (2017) Expression of tripartite motif-containing protein 28 in primary breast carcinoma predicts metastasis and is involved in the stemness, chemoresistance, and tumor growth. Tumor Biol. https://doi.org/10.1177/1010428317695919 Tumour Biol.2017 April 2017: 1–17
Bannikoppa P, Dhayanand J, Madhukumar R, Vijayakumar M, et al (2017) Fatty acid intake and erythrocyte fatty acid profile in women with breast, ovarian and cervical cancers. ClinNutr ESPEN 19:59–63. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clnesp.2017.03.001Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 2017 Volume 19, Pages 59-63
MS -
M.Ch. in
PG Resident - Bangalore Medical College (09/1991 - 09/1994)
Senior Resident - St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore (07.11.1994 - 08.02.1995)
M.Ch. Trainee - Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bangalore (12/1995 - 12/1997)
Assistant Professor - Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bangalore (21.03.1998 - 30.11.1999)
Assistant Professor - Fr. Muller’s Medical College, Mangalore (01.09.2000 - 01.11.2001)
Assistant Professor - K.M.C. Mangalore (05.11.2001 - 31.12.2004)
Assistant Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (12.07.2005 - 31.06.2006)
Associate Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.07.2006 - 20.06.2016)
Assistant Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (21.06.2016 - 01.01.2017)
Associate Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (02.01.2017 - 15.11.2020)
Additional Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (16.11.2020 - 25.12.2022)
Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (26.12.2022 - Till date)
Rohan Shetty, KC Jalaluddin Akbar, HT Amar Rao, Manavallan Vijayakumar, RJ Dinesh Reddy Robotic esophageal mobilization: A new norm in the future? Oncology Journal of India 2020 Sep 1;4(3):87.
HT Amar Rao, Rohan Shetty, KC Jalaluddin Akbar, KB Mahesh, Jaganath Dixit, Manavalan Vijayakumar, S Gopinathan, Noor MohammedSentinel lymph node mapping in early breast cancer using methylene blue dyeOncology Journal of India2020 Sep 1;4(3):120.Page : 120-123
Dr. jalaluddin, knee with mega –endoprosthetic reconstruction International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences2019, Volume 5 Issue 4Pages: 673-677
Dr. Jalaluddin Akbar, Nasolabial flaps : A series of 30 cases, Dr. Jalaluddin Akbar, ISSN No.2249-555X Vol.7/Issue-1/January 2017/ISSN-2249-555X/IF:3919/IC Value:79.96 January 2017 Indian Journal of Applied Research, 2017 Vol.7 Issue-1 Pages 968-969
Dr.MIR Zeeshan, Ali, Dr. Jalaluddin Akbar. Post Operative Wound Complication in Ma-Jor Abdominal Surgeries By Using Porlen, Pds 11 and Pds Plus Suture Material Indian Journal of Applied Research 2016 Volume : 6 | Issue : 10 Pages 548-550
2021 | Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS) |
2021 | Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS), Glasgow |
2011 | Member of Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS), Edinburgh |
2008 | Senior Residency in Surgical Oncology,
Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bangalore |
2006 | MS (General Surgery), Fr.Muller Medical College, Mangalore |
2001 | MBBS, Sri Devraj Medical College, Kolar |
PG Resident - Fr. Muller Medical College, Mangalore (15.01.2003 - 29.04.2006)
Senior Resident - Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bangalore (11.09.2006 - 31.08.2008)
Senior Resident - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (11.04.2016 - 01.05.2016)
Assistant Professor - K. S. Hegde Medical Academy, Mangalore (18.09.2008 - 17.09.2013)
Associate Professor - K. S. Hegde Medical Academy, Mangalore (18.09.2013 - 07.04.2016)
Assistant Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (02.05.2016 - 15.11.2020)
Associate Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (16.11.2020 - Till Date)
Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2006 Oct 1;22(4):233-5.
Journal of Health and Allied Sciences NU. 2012 Jun;2(02):57-9.
Journal of Health and Allied Sciences NU. 2012 Sep;2(03):27-9.
Nitte University Journal of Health Science. 2013 Mar 1;3(1):76.
.Nitte University Journal of Health Science. 2013 Mar 1;3(1):79
Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology. 2013 Jul;16(3):437
Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR. 2013 Sep;7(9):2021.
Indian journal of surgical oncology. 2013 Sep;4(3):272-4.
MS in Gen. Surgery - Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore - Manipal University (10/2012)
DNB in
Junior Resident - Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore (02.05.2009 - 30.10.2012)
DNB Trainee - Healthcare Global Hospital, Bangalore (07.02.2013 - 06.02.2016)
Senior Resident - Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore (08.05.2012 - 30.11.2012)
Assistant Professor - Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore (01.12.2012 - 08.02.2013)
Senior Resident - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (11.04.2016 - 15.11.2020)
Assistant Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (16.11.2020 - Till date)
MBBS - Bangalore Medical College & Research Institute, Bangalore - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore (03/2010)
M.D. in General Surgery - Government Medical College, Kozhikode - Kerala University of Health Sciences (05/2014)
Junior Resident - Government Medical College, Kozhikode (01.07.2011 - 30.06.2014)
Senior Resident - Government Medical College, Kozhikode (01.07.2014 - 05.03.2015)
Senior Resident - Centre for Academics & Research, HCG, Bangalore (11.03.2015 - 10.03.2018 )
Senior Resident - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.09.2022 -Till Date)
MBBS - J.N Medical College, Belgaum - KLE Academy of Higher Education And Research (03/2013)
MS (General Surgery) - K.S Hegde Medical Academy, Mangalore - Nitte University (2017)
M.Ch (Surgical Oncology) - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore) - Yenepoya (Deemed to be University), Mangalore (08/2022)
M.Ch. Resident - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (06.09.2019 - 05.09.2022)
Resident -
MBBS - Medical College, Calicut - Calicut University (1995)
MS (General Surgery) - Medical College, Trivandrum - Trivandrum University (2000)
DNB (General Surgery) - Madras Medical College - Madras University (2001)
DNB (Urology) - Medical College,
Calicut - Calicut University (2007)
DNB Trainee (Urology) - Medical College, Calicut (01.09.2003 - 31.08.2006)
Assistant Professor - Fr. Mullers Medical College, Mangalore (13.05.2008 - 12.05.2009)
Assistant Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (14.05.2009 - 13.05.2011)
Associate Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (14.05.2011 - 14.05.2017)
Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (15.05.2017 - 30.09.2018)
Professor & HOD - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.10.2018 - Till Date)
MS (Gen. Surgery), M.Ch (Urology)
MS (General Surgery) - Govt. Medical College, Mysore - RGUHS (09/2004)
M.Ch. (Urology) - B.J. Medical College, Ahmadabad - Gujarat University (07/2008)
Junior Resident - Mysore Medical College, Mysore (01.10.2001 - 30.09.2004)
M.Ch. Trainee -B.J. Medical College, Ahmadabad (01.08.2005 - 31.07.2008)
Assistant Professor - Fr. Muller Medical College, Mangalore (02.06.2009 - 25.02.2011)
Assistant Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (26.02.2011 - 19.01.2014)
Associate Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (20.01.2014 - Till date)
MS (Gen. Surgery), M.Ch (Urology)
MBBS - Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore - MAHE University (03/1998)
MS (General Surgery) - St. John’s Medical College, Mangalore - RGUHS (09/2002)
M.Ch. (Urology) - Bangalore Medical College, Bangalore - RGUHS (07/2010)
PG Resident (Surgery) - St. Johns Medical College, Bangalore (16.08.1999 - 15.08.2002)
Registrar (Urology) - Christian Medical College & Hospital Vellore (19.09.2005 - 04.06.2007)
M.Ch Trainee - Bangalore Medical College & Research Institute (08/2007 - 07/2010)
Assistant Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (02.11.2010 - 17.09.2013)
Associate Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (18.09.2013 - Till Date)
MBBS - Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai - Sri Ramachandra University (07/2008)
M.S. (General Surgery) - R.D. Gardi Medical College, Ujjain - Vikram University, Ujjain (2014)
M.Ch. (Urology) - K.S. Hegde Medical Academy, Mangalore - Nitte (Deemed to be University) (07/2019)
Junior Resident - R.D. Gardi Medical College, Ujjain (02.05.2011 - 02.05.2014)
M.Ch. trainee/Senior Resident - K.S. Hegde Medical Academy, Mangalore (01.08.2016 - 31.07.2019)
Senior Resident - K.S. Hegde Medical Academy, Mangalore (06.09.2019 - 15.05.2021)
Assistant Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (17.05.2021 - Till Date)
MBBS - Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore - Mangalore University (March 1991)
MS (Orthopaedics) - Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore - Manipal Academy of Higher Education University (December 1995)
PG Resident - Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore (17.08.1992 - 12/1995)
Assistant Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.04.1999 - 31.03.2004)
Reader/Associate - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.04.2004 - 31.08.2006)
Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.09.2006 - 31.03.2008)
Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.04.2008 - 30.11.2020)
Professor & HOD - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.12.2020 - Till Date)
Hegde C, Shetty V, Wasnik S, Ahammed I, Shetty AV. Use of bone graft substitute in the treatment for distal radius fractures in elderly. European Journal of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology. 2013;23(6):651-656. PMID:23412190 (SCI JIF:0.181) . Indexed in PubMed
Shams Nabeel; Ahmed, Imthiaz; Hegde Athmananda. A study on surgical treatment of ankle fractures- A clinical study of 21 cases. International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, April 2014;5( 4):190-192. ISSN 2229-3809. Impact factor: 0.5660. Indexed in Index copernicus
Niaz M, Srijith P, Reuben AD, Aravind M., Ahammed IKA. Management of supracondylar fractures of the humerus by closed reduction and 2 lateral pin fixation. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014;3(14):3844-3855. Indexed in Index Copernicus, Web of science, Google Scholar, J-Gate
Suresh A, Reuben AD, Ahammed IKA. Retrospective Study of Effect of Smoking in Tibial Fracture Healing: An Original Study. Scholars journal of applied medical sciences (SJAMS) September 2016; 4(9c):3340-3348. Index Copernicus (IC value 73.30). Indexed in Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, CAB International, CABI (UK)
Kumar SKN, Ahammed IKA, Maria KD. Comprehensive study of intertrochanteric fracture management using proximal femoral nailing. International Journal of Orthopaedics Traumatology and Surgical Sciences, December - May 2016; 2(1): 49-54. Impact factor – 5.210 (International) Indexed in Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, Crossref
Shariff F, Mahesh U, Ahammed IKA, Kumar SK. External fixator and k-wire fixation versus locking compression plate in management of distal end radius fractures frykmann’s type VII and VIII a randomised controlled trial. International journal of orthopaedics traumatology and surgical sciences, May-December 2017;3(1):606-611. (International) . Indexed in Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, Crossref
Aithala JP., Arshad AS, Ahammed IKA., Rai M. Is there a change in trend towards pyogenous spondylodiscitis compared to tubercular spondylodiscitis in India - A study of percutaneous biopsy evaluation in spondylodiscitis. Indian Journal of Tuberculosis. October 2020;67(4):509-514. Indexed in PubMed, Google scholar, Medline PubMed
Inayathulla MK, Sajad DQ, Nishaanth R, Shetty AV, Ahammed IKA. Predictors of long-term survival after hip fractures-a 5 year results of a retrospective study. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research. 2021;4(22):306-310. Inayathulla MK, Sajad DQ, Nishaanth R, Shetty AV, Ahammed IKA. Predictors of long-term survival after hip fractures-a 5 year results of a retrospective study. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research. 2021;4(22):306-310.
Asrar MM, Usman J, Shetty AV, Sophia AP, Ahammed IKA. Functional outcome of rotating platform versus fixed platform of Total Knee Arthroplasty – A comparative study. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development. October-December 2022;13(4):146-150.
Raheem N, Usman J, Shetty AV, Ahammed IKA. Hemiarthroplasty in unstable intertrochanteric fracture in elderly-A prospective study. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development. October-December 2022;13(4):157-160.
MBBS - Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore - Mangalore University (September 1993)
D’ Ortho (Orthopaedics) - Bangalore Medical College, Bangalore - RGUHS, Bangalore (March 1999)
DNB (Orthopaedics) - Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore - NBE, New Delhi (September 2002)
Junior Resident/ D’ Ortho Trainee - Bangalore Medical College, Bangalore (01/1997 - 12/1998)
DNB Trainee - Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore (01.01.2001 - 31.03.2002)
Tutor - KVG Medical College, Sullia (01.04.2002 - 11.12.2002)
Lecturer cum Associate Professor - Kasturba Medical College, Manipal (01.07.2003 - 25.10.2003)
Assistant Professor - KVG Medical College, Sullia (12.12.2002 - 30.06.2003)
Assistant Professor - Kasturba Medical College, Manipal (26.10.2003 - 11.12.2008)
Associate Professor - Kasturba Medical College, Manipal (12.12.2008 - 31.03.2013)
Associate Professor - Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore (01.04.2013 - 18.10.2016)
Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (19.10.2016 - Till Date)
Aithala P Janardhana, Rajagopal, Sharath Rao, Asha Kamath. Correlation between clinical features and magnetic resonance imaging findings in lumbar disc prolapse. Indian Journal of Orthopaedics. 2010. Jul-Sep; 44(3),263-269. Indexed in PubMed, Web of Science
JC Shobha, G Narsimulu, A HanumanthaRAo, S suresh Reddy, D Narayana Reddy, N Balamurgan, R Jayakumar, VJ Senthil, S Sundar, Babu joseph, JanardhanaAithala, Malhar Dave, EswaraBabu, B Mohan reddy. Comparative, randomized open label parallel multicentric study for efficacy and safety of lornoxicam+esperisone versus lornoxicam in the management of cervical spondylosis. Pages S23-S24, Indian Journal of Rheumatology, Volume 5, issue 3, supplement November 2010. Indexed in Scopus, Web of science
RanjiniKudva, ShahinPerveen, AithalaJanardhana. Primary epithelioid angiosarcoma of bone: A case report with immunohistochemical study. Indian journal of pathology and microbiology, October-december 2010volu 53, 811-13. Indexed in Index Medicus, IMSEAR, Medline, NLM, Excerpta Medica
Janardhana Aithala P, Dural tears, incidence, types and management in our hospital, abstract as society meeting abstract section, supplement, spine October 2011. Indexed in Index Copernicus
JanardhanaAithala P. Percutaneous vertebroplasty, results and technical problems with the use of a cost effective technique. International journal of Biomedical research. 04(08), 2013.(www.ssjournals.com. Indexed in Google Scholar, Index Copernicus
Janardhana Aithala P, Sharath Rao. Proximal femoral nailing; Technical difficulties and results in trochanteric fractures. Open journal of Orthopedics. Volume 3, Number 5. September 2013, 234-242. Indexed in Index Copernicus
JanardhanaAithala P, Archana Bhakta. Does the level of epidural steroids make any difference in pain relief and outcome. International journal of biomedical research. IJBR (2014) 05 (12), 771-774. Indexed in Google scholar, index copernicus
Aithala J P; Difficulties in using Oswestry Disability Index in Indian patients and validity and reliability of translator-assisted Oswestry Disability Index. Journal of Orthopaedic surgery and Research (2015) 10:90, DOI 10.1186/s13018-015-0230-8. Indexed in Scopus.
Richard Williams, Jason Cheung, Ben Goss, ShanmuganathanRajasekaran, Yoshiharu Kawaguchi, Shankar Acharya, Mamoru Kawakami, Shigenobu Satoh, Wen-Jer Chen, Chun-Kun Park, Chong-Suh Lee, ThanitFoocharoen, Hideki Nagashima, SungukKuh, Zhaomin Zheng, Richard Condor, Manabu Ito, Motoki Iwasaki, Je HoonJeong, Keith Luk, BambangPrijambodo, AmolRege, Tae-AhnJahng, Zhuojing Luo, Warat / AnantTassanawipas, Narayana Acharya, RohitPokharel, Yong Shen, Takui Ito, Zhihai Zhang, JanardhanaAithala, Gomatam Vijay Kumar, Rahyussalim Ahmad Jabir, Saumyajit Basu, Baojun Li, Vishal Moudgil, Phoebe Sham, Dino Samartzis. An international multi-center study assessing the role of ethnicity upon variation of lumbar facet joint orientation and the occurrence of degenerative spondylolisthesis in Asia Pacific: a study from the AOSAP Research Collaboration Consortium. Global Spine Journal; July 2015. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/s-0035-1555655 (published online, print will follow). Indexed in PubMed, Scopus.
Dino Samartzis, Jason Cheung, ShanmuganathanRajasekaran, Yoshiharu Kawaguchi, Shankar Acharya, Mamoru Kawakami, Shigenobu Satoh, Wen-Jer Chen, Chun-Kun Park, Chong-Suh Lee, ThanitFoocharoen, Hideki Nagashima, SungukKuh, Zhaomin Zheng, Richard Condor, Manabu Ito, Motoki Iwasaki, Je HoonJeong, Keith Luk, BambangPrijambodo, AmolRege, Tae-AhnJahng, Zhuojing Luo, Warat / AnantTassanawipas, Narayana Acharya, RohitPokharel, Yong Shen, Takui Ito, Zhihai Zhang, JanardhanaAithala, Gomatam Vijay Kumar, Rahyussalim Ahmad Jabir, SaumyajitBasu, Baojun Li, Vishal Moudgil, Ben Goss, Phoebe Sham, Richard Williams. Critical values of facet joint angulation and tropism in the development of lumbar degenerative spondylolisthesis: an international, large-scale multicenter study by the AOSpine Asia Pacific Research Collaboration Consortium. Global Spine Journal; October 2015 DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1564417. Indexed in PubMed
Rajendra Annappa, PremKotian, JanardhanaAithala P, SrikanthMudiganty. Ligamentous reconstruction of traumatic dislocation of thumb carpometacarpal joint: Case Report and Review of Literature - Case Report | Volume 5 | Issue 4 | JOCR Oct-Dec 2015 | Page 79-81|DOI: 10.13107/jocr.2250-0685.354. Indexed in PubMed
Dino Samartzis, Jason Cheung, ShanmuganathanRajasekaran, Yoshiharu Kawaguchi, Shankar Acharya, Mamoru Kawakami, Shigenobu Satoh, Wen-Jer Chen, Chun-Kun Park, Chong-Suh Lee, ThanitFoocharoen, Hideki Nagashima, SungukKuh, Zhaomin Zheng, Richard Condor, Manabu Ito, Motoki Iwasaki, Je HoonJeong, Keith D.K. Luk, BambangPrijambodo, AmolRege, Tae-AhnJahng, Zhuojing Luo, Warat / AnantTassanawipas, Narayana Acharya, RohitPokharel, Yong Shen, Takui Ito, Zhihai Zhang, JanardhanaAithala, Gomatam Vijay Kumar, Rahyussalim Ahmad Jabir, SaumyajitBasu, Baojun Li, Vishal Moudgil, Phoebe Sham, Richard Williams. Is lumbar facet joint tropism developmental or secondary to remodelingchanges ? An international, large-scale multicentercenter by the AOSpine Asia Pacific Research Collaboration Consortium. Scoliosis and Spinal Disorders; Global spine journal 2016 11:9, DOI 10.1186/s13013-016-0062-2. Indexed in PubMed, Scopus.
JanardhanaAithala P, Microscopic decompression for patients with grade 1 degenerative listhesise- Outcome and comparison of results with patients without spondylolisthesis. International journal of scientific research, Volume 5 Issue 4 April, 2016, 530-32. Indexed in PubMed, Google Scholar, Crossref Janardhana Aithala P, Role of Percutaneous Image Guided Biopsy in Spinal lesions: Adequacy and Correlation with MRI findings. Orthopedic Section, Journal of Clinical Diagnostics and Research, 2016 Aug. Vol 10(8), RC11-RC15. Indexed in PubMed, Scopus.
Shankar Linga S., Janardhana Aithala P., AmarnathSavur, Can proximal femoral nailing of unstable trochanteric fractures help to regain pre-injury functional status in Indian rural patients? A prospective study of functional outcome of unstable intertrochanteric fractures with proximal femoral nailing. International Journal of Research in Orthopaedics Jul 2017; 3 (4):728-733. Indexed in PubMed, Scopus
Aithala Janardhana P, Suraj Kumar, ShodhanAithal, M S Kotian; Development of a modified disability questionnaire for the evaluation of disability due to backache for Indian and other developing countries. Asian Spine Journal. 2018; Indexed in Scopus
Rahul SN, Aithala JP. Prevalence and risk factors associated with low back pain among nurses in a tertiary care hospital in South India. International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences 2020;6(1):301-306. Indexed in Scopus
Aithala JP., Arshad AS, Ahammed IKA., Rai M. Is there a change in trend towards pyogenous spondylodiscitis compared to tubercular spondylodiscitis in India - A study of percutaneous biopsy evaluation in spondylodiscitis. Indian Journal of Tuberculosis. October 2020;67(4):509-514. Indexed in PubMed
Aithal JP, Karamian BA, Schroeder GD, Lambrechts MJ, Canseco JA, Oner C, Vialle E, Rajasekaran S, Dvorak MR, Benneker LM, Kandziora F, Schnake K, Kepler CK, Vaccaro AR; AO Spine Subaxial Classification Group Members. An international validation of the AO spine subaxial injury classification system. Eur Spine J. 2022 Nov 30. doi: 10.1007/s00586-022-07467-6. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36449081.
Aithala JP. GBD 2019 Adolescent Transport and Unintentional Injuries Collaborators. Adolescent transport and unintentional injuries: a systematic analysis using the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet Public Health. 2022. Aug;7(8):e657-e669. doi: 10.1016/S2468-2667(22)00134-7. Epub 2022 Jun 30. Erratum in: Lancet Public Health. 2022 Dec;7(12):e992. PMID: 35779567; PMCID: PMC9329128.
Junior Resident |
D’Ortho trainee - M.S. Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore (01.05.2004 - 30.04.2006)
Junior Resident - A. J. Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore (20.12.2008 - 19.10.2009)
Senior Resident - A. J. Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore (20.10.2009 - 06.07.2010)
Senior Resident - K. V. G. Medical College, Sullia (09.07.2010 - 28.02.2013)
Assistant Professor - K. V. G. Medical College, Sullia (01.03.2013 - 16.01.2015)
Assistant Professor - Srinivas Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore (11.03.2015 - 25.06.2018)
Associate Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (20.08.2018 - 08.02.2022)
Additional Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (09.02.2022 - 25.12.2022)
Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (26.12.2022 - Till date)
Ramu A.C. Functional outcome of management of fracture of distal femur. National Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics. January 2018; 2(1):32-36.. Indexed in Index copernicus
Ramu A.C. Primary modular bipolar prosthetic replacement for unstable intertrochanteric fracture in elderly. National Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics. January 2018; 2(1):46-50. Indexed in Google Scholar, Crossref, Scilit, Index Copernicus, J Access
Ramu A.C. Functional outcome of management of very unstable supracondylar fracture of distal humerus in paediatric by crossed pinning. Indian Journal of Orthopaedics. December 2017; 2(1):46-50. Indexed in PubMed Google scholar.
Ramu AC, Krishnamurthy B, Balemane S, Nishanth YS, Nishaanth R. Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis versus open reduction and internal fixation in the management of tibial plateau fractures with locking compression plates. International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences. August 2021;7(3):645-649. Indexed in Scopus
Ramu AC, Nishanth YS, Ahmed A, Krishnamurthy B, Nishaanth R. Syndesmotic diastasis and it’s relation to the functional outcome in ankle fractures. International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences August 2021;7(3):661-670. Indexed in Scopus
MBBS - K.S. Hegde Medical Academy, Mangalore - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore (March 2010)
MS (Orthopaedics) -
Junior Resident - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (02.05.2010 - 30.04.2013)
Senior Resident - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (25.07.2013 - 31.05.2018)
Assistant Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.06.2018 - 01.06.2022)
Associate Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (02.06.2022 - Till Date)
Hegde AS, Babu R, Shetty AV. Management of unstable thoracico-lumbar fractures with pedicular screw instrumentation, a series of 30 cases. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2013;7(11):2563-2566. H Index: 5. Indexed in PubMed
Shetty AV. A comparative study of pelvic traction and bilateral leg traction in the conservative management of low backache. International Journal of Science and Research. October 2016;5(10):442-444. Value (2013):6.14/Impact factor(2015):6.391. (National), Indexed in Pubmed, Index Copernicus Google Scholar Crossref
Abhishek V. Shetty, atmananda S. Hegde, Deepak K. Raj, Mahesha K. Prospective study of management of unstable distal radius fracture with volar plate osteosynthesis. Journal – International journal of biological & medical research. 2014;5(3):4300-4304. Indexed in Index copernicus
Dr. Anoop S, Dr. Abhishek Shetty, Dr. Nithin Chandra Babu A rare case of Ewing sarcoma right proximal phalanx of big toe. Journal – IOSR journal of Dental & Medical sciences June 2016;15(6):73-76. Indexed in Index Copernicus
Savur AD, Siddhartha GP, Shetty AV. Importance of screw position in intertrochanteric femoral fractures treated by by dynamic hip screw. International Journal of Science and Research. March 2018;7(3):1748-1751. Indexed in PubMed, Google Scholar, Crossref
Akbar JKC, Vajrangi A, Shetty AV, Ahamed IKA.Functional outcome of limb salvage surgery in giant cell tumour around knee with mega-endoprosthetic reconstruction. International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences. 2019; 5(4):673-677. Indexed in Pubmed
Shetty AV, Siyaj AS, Siddhartha GP. A study of the functional outcome of intertrochanteric fractures treated with dynamic hip screw. International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences. 2019; 5(1):298-302. Indexed in PubMed
Shetty AV, Siyaj AS, Kaushik SB. A comparative study of the results of unstable intertrochanteric fracture treated with cemented bipolar hemiarthroplasty with and without reconstruction of the greater trochanter. International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences. 2019; 5(1):268-271. Indexed in PubMed
Inayathulla MK, Sajad DQ, Nishaanth R, Shetty AV, Ahammed IKA. Predictors of long-term survival after hip fractures-a 5 year results of a retrospective study. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research. 2021;4(22):306-310.
Raheem N, Usman J, Shetty AV, Ahammed IKA. Hemiarthroplasty in unstable intertrochanteric fracture in elderly-A prospective study. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development. October-December 2022;13(4):157-160.
Asrar MM, Usman J, Shetty AV, Sophia AP, Ahammed IKA. Functional outcome of rotating platform versus fixed platform of Total Knee Arthroplasty – A comparative study. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development. October-December 2022;13(4):146-150.
MBBS - K.S. Hegde Medical Academy, Mangalore - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (April 2006)
D’ Ortho (Orthopeadics) - Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Sciences, Bellary - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (May 2009)
DNB (Orthopeadics) - Fortis Hospital, Mumbai - N.B.E. New Delhi (June 2012)
Junior Resident (D’Ortho trainee) - Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Sciences, Bellary (2007- 2009)
DNB Trainee - Fortis Hospital, Mumbai (01.08.2009 - 31.07.2011)
Senior Resident - S.D.M. College of Medical Sciences, Dharwad (06.09.2012 - 31.12.2013)
Assistant Professor - S.D.M. College of Medical Sciences, Dharwad (01.01.2014 - 30.05.2015)
Assistant Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.06.2015 - 31.05.2021)
Associate Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.06.2021 - Till Date)
Savith VS, Nithin CB. Functional outcome fracture distal end radius treated with volar locking plates : A prospective study. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). December 2017;6(12):580-583. (International).
Shetty SV, Azhruddin MA, Krishna DR, Ali AA. Comparison of overall component alignment and functional outcome between navigation and conventional total knee arthoplasty. International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences. 2019;5(3):684-691.v Indexed in PubMed
Savith VS, Ninad SK. Comparative study between Ropivacaine and Bupivacaine in cocktail periarticular injection, in immediate post-operative analgesia and rehabilitation in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty (TKA)". International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences 2020;6(1):1045-1048. Indexed in PubMed
MS (Orthopaedics) - Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belgaum - K.L.E. University (April 2012)
DNB (Orthopaedics) - N.B.E. New Delhi - N.B.E. New Delhi (December 2013)
Fellowship (Joint Replacement Arthroplasty) - Preethi Hospital, Madurai - M.G.R University, Chennai (January 2015)
Fellowship (Arthorscopy & Sports Medicine) - Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital (December 2015)
Junior Resident - Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belgaum (22.08.2009 - 21.09.2012)
Sr. Resident - Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belgaum (22.09.2012 - 31.03.2013)
Sr. Resident - Al - Ameen Medical College, Bijapur (18.05.2013 - 31.07.2013)
Assistant Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.01.2016 - 25.10.2022)
Associate Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (26.10.2022 - Till date)
Balemane S. Vajrangi A. Comparative study of the effect of suprascapular nerve block under ultrasound guidance and blind shoulder infiltration( using lignocaine and methyl prednisolone) in chronic shoulder pain. International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences 2020;6(1):446-454. Indexed in PubMed
Reuben AD, Nair A, Balemane S. A comparative study of rate of fracture union in femur neck fractures – operated within 24 hours and after 24 hours and within 7 days, effect of tamponade on rate of union in cases fixed with cannulated cancellous screws. International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences. 2019;5(2):295-299. Indexed in PubMed
Rai NR, Balemane S. A prospective study to assess the surgical outcome in three and four part proximal humerus fracture with PHILOS plate. International Journal of Science and Research. March 2016;6(3):556-558. Indexed in PubMed, Google Scholar, Crossref
Balemane S. Adham MAMS. Prospective study of treatment of non union of tibia using limb reconstruction system with intramedullary nailing. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, September 01,2016;5(70) pISSN-2278-4748, eISSN-2278-4802. Indexed in Web of science, Index copernicus, Google Scholar, J-Gate
Balemane S, Kaushik SB, Nishanth YS. Acromial Index in Indian Population and its Significance on Rotator Cuff Tears. International Asian Journal of Arthroscopy. January-June 2021;6(1):08-10. Indexed in PubMed
Balemane S, Anantharaj S, Ahmad H, Usman J, Abdul JJ. Correlation between clinical findings and magnetic resonance imaging findings in meniscal and anterior cruciate ligament injuries. International Journal of Research in Orthopaedics. November 2022;8(6):668-673. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18203/issn.2455-4510.IntJResOrthop20222705
MBBS - JSS Medical College, Mysore - Mysore University (September 2001)
MS (Orthopaedics) - Fr. Muller Medical College, Mangalore - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore (September 2005)
Clinical fellow in Division of sports medicine(Arthroscopy & Arthroplasty) (Orthopaedics) - National University Hospital, Singapore - NUH University, Singapore (May 2009)
Junior Resident - Fr. Muller Medical College, Mangalore (10/2002 - 10/2005)
Assistant Professor - Srinivas Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore (05.07.2014 - 27.07.2015)
Assistant Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (06.08.2015 - 05.08.2021)
Associate Professor -
Pereira J, Joy P, Suresh A. Minimally invasive technique for recurrence of aneurismal bone cyst following extensive operative procedure-A rare case report. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences. 2016;4(9A):3213-3218. Indexed in Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, CAB International, CABI (UK)
Pereira J, Anoop S, Pettah GJ. A Case of Chronic Inflammation of the Ankle Joint with Subtle Signs of Inflammation: A Rare Presentation of Tuberculosis Ankle. Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports 2017 Jan-Feb;7(1):87-90. (National). Indexed in PubMed
Pereira J, Raghavendra AD, Jayapalan E. Outcome of triage results between two groups of interns subjected to different model of simulation. International Journal of Research in Orthopaedics 2019;5(5):805-810. Indexed in CrossRef, J-Gate, Index copernicus
MS (Orthopaedics) Fr. Muller’s Medical College, Mangalore - RGUHS University (November 2013)
Junior Resident - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.04.2010 - 21.05.2013)
Senior Resident - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.04.2014 - 31.12.2017)
Senior Resident - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (15.05.2018 - 30.06.2020)
Assistant Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.07.2020 - Till date)
Kumar SKN, Ahammed IKA, Maria KD. Comprehensive study of intertrochanteric fracture management using proximal femoral nailing. International Journal of Orthopaedics Traumatology and Surgical Sciences, December - May 2016; 2(1): 49-54. Impact factor – 5.210 (International) Indexed in Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, Crossref
Dr. Karen Maria D’Sa. Study of post operative wound infections and its outcome in orthopaedic surgeries. International journal of recent trends in science and technology, 2014;10(1):58-60. Indexed in Index copernicus
MBBS - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore (November 2010)
MS (Orthopaedics) - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore - Yenepoya University (April 2015)
Junior Resident - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (02.05.2012 - 11.05.2015)
Senior Resident - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (11.03.2017 - 25.03.2022)
Assistant Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (26.03.2022 - Till Date)
Reuben AD, Usman J. Hussain M. The diagnostic Accuracy of clinical evaluation and arthroscopy for Specific Types of Knee Lesions. Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2015;14(6):77-85. (National)- Indexed in Index Coper nicus
Usman J. A prospective study to evaluate the Efficacy of vitamin D3 granules 60,000 IU supplementation in vitamin D deficient apparently healthy adults. International Journal of science and research (IJSR). January 2018;7(1):1884-1887. (International). Indexed in PubMed, Google Scholar, Crossref
Usman J, Nishaanth R and Shetty AV. Adductor canal block compared with periarticular bupivacaine injection for total knee arthroplasty - A prospective randomized trial. International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences. June 2021;7(2):749-751. Indexed in Scopus
Balemane S, Usman J, Abdul JJ, Ahmad H. Correlation between clinical findings and magnetic resonance imaging findings in meniscal and anterior cruciate ligament injuries. International Journal of Research in Orthopaedics. November 2022:8(6);668-673.
Asrar MM, Usman J, Shetty AV, Sophia AP, Ahammed IKA. Functional outcome of rotating platform versus fixed platform of Total Knee Arthroplasty – A comparative study. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development. October-December 2022;13(4):146-150.
Raheem N, Usman J, Shetty AV, Ahammed IKA. Hemiarthroplasty in unstable intertrochanteric fracture in elderly-A prospective study. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development. October-December 2022;13(4):157-160.
MBBS - M.S. Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore (April 2006)
MS (Orthopaedics) - Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belgaum - K.L.E. University (May 2011)
Junior Resident - Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belgaum (04/2008 - 05/2011)
Assistant Professor - M.V.J. Medical College, Bangalore (28.04.2014 - 18.01.2017)
Senior Resident - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (20.01.2017 - 30.06.2020)
Assistant Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.07.2020 - Till Date)
Jayakrishnan S, udi NS., Shariff F, Siddalina MKS. Arthroscopic debridement in osteoarthritis of knee joint – analysis of short term benefits. August 2015;02/2015.12152-53. Indexed in Index Copernicus
Shariff F, Mahesh U, Ahammed IKA, Kumar SKN. External fixator and k-wire fixation versus locking compression plate in management of distal end radius fractures frykmann’s type VII and VIII a andomized controlled trial. International journal of orthopaedics traumatology and surgical sciences, May-December 2017;3(1):606-611. (International) Indexed in Copernicus, Google Scholar, Crossref.
Shariff F Kumar S, Hareesha S, Kulkarni , Biradar B, Shankar R. The outcome f intelockin nailing of humeral shaft fractures a one year hospital based study. International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences. 2018;4(2):95-99. Indexed in Scopus.
Shariff F. Murali P. Functional outcome of ankle fractures with syndesmotic diastasis managed surgically using AOFAS. International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences 2019;5(4):388-392. Indexed in Scopus.
Asfiya A, Sacchidanand S., Shariff F, Leelavathy B. Autologous platelet-rich fibrin membrane as a wound dressing in the treatment of chronic nonhealing leg ulcers: A prospective study. Journal of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery. (Accepted for publication on 25th July 2022)
MBBS - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore (03/2012)
M.S. (Orthopaedics) - Smt. NHL Muncipal Medical College, Ahmedabad - Gujarat University (05/2017)
Junior Resident - Smt. NHL Muncipal Medical College, Ahmedabad (30.06.2014 - 30.06.2017)
Senior Resident - Srinivas Medical College, Mangalore (25.08.2017 - 25.07.2018)
Senior Resident - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.10.2021 - Till date)
M.S. (Orthopaedics) - K.S Hegde Medical Academy, Mangalore - Nitte University (04/2017)
Junior Resident - K.S Hegde Medical Academy, Mangalore (26.05.2014 - 25.05.2017)
Senior Resident -
Assistant Professor -
Shetty A, Ballal A, Nishanth YS, Nikhil RB, Ravindranath HR. Management Of Open Fractures Of Shaft Of Tibia In Adults–A Comparative Study. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research. June 2015;4(4); Indexed in ESCI (Thomson Reuters), Google scholar, WEBSCO
Mayur M Kamani, Dileep K.S, Arjun Ballal, Y. Nishanth Shetty .Rapidly Progressive Ulnar Neuropathy in Guyon’s Canal by a ganglion Cyst. IJHSR, Vol.VI; Issue: II; February 2016 Indexed in ESCI (Thomson Reuters), Google scholar, WEBSCO
Shetty N, Shetty V, Shetty S.A Comparative Prospective Study of Platelet Rich Plasma vs. Corticosteroid Injection in Plantar Fasciitis not Responding to 6 Weeks of Conservative Treatment. International Journal of Foot Ankle. 2018;2:008. doi.org/10.23937/ijfa-2017/1710008. Indexed in Pubmed, Index Medicus, Excerpta Medica,
Anwar. A, Shetty Vikram, Siddharth M. Shetty, Dr Y. Nishanth Shetty. A Comparative Prospective Study of Platelet Rich Plasma vs Corticosteroid Injection in Lateral Epicondylitis. Journal Dr. Y. Nishanth Shetty. Journal of Medical Sciences and Clinical research. 2018; 06 (10):. Indexed in Index copernicus
Dr Kim, Dr Y Nishanth Shetty, Dr Won-Yong Shon Park, B. Y., Lim, K. P., Shon, W. Y., Shetty, Y. N., & Heo, K. S. Comparison of functional outcomes and associated complications in patients who underwent total hip arthroplasty for femoral neck fracture in relation to their underlying medical comorbidities in South Korea . Hip & pelvis (2019).., 31(4), 232–237. https://doi.org/10.5371/hp.2019.31.4.232 KoreaMed, KoMCI, PubMed, PubMed Central, CrossRef, Google Scholar
Ramu AC, Nishanth YS, Ahmed A, Krishnamurthy B, Nishaanth R. Syndesmotic diastasis and it’s relation to the functional outcome in ankle fractures. International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences. August 2021;7(3):661-670. Indexed in Scopus
Ramu AC, Nishanth YS, Ahmed A, Krishnamurthy B, Nishaanth R. Syndesmotic diastasis and it’s relation to the functional outcome in ankle fractures. International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences. August 2021;7(3):661-670. Indexed in Scopus
MS (Orthopaedics) - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore - Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) (05/2017)
Junior Resident
Senior Resident
Assistant Professor - Dr. Vaishampayan Memorial Govt. Medical College, Solapur (03.06.2019 - 28.05.2020)
Senior Resident - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.01.2022 - Till Date)
Prabhu V, Balemane S, Mahesh U, Manjunath H. Comprehensive study of surgical treatments of fracture of patella. European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine.1st June 2022;9(2):1563-1567.
MS (Orthopaedics) -
Junior Resident - M.V.J Medical College and Research Hospital (30.05.2015 - 31.05.2018)
Senior Resident - M.V.J. Medical College, Bangalore (06.12.2018 - 06.12.2019)
Senior Resident -Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.09.2022 - Till date)
Ravikumar K, Junied MHK, Sheth S, Muhammed SS, Siddalingaswamy MK. A study of clinical presentations of patients with lumbar spinal stenosis and functional outcome of surgical decompression in lumbar spinal stenosis. International journal of orthopaedics sciences;7(2):241-243.
Fawaz Mohammed Manu, Anwar Marthya, Shameez Muhammed Salim, Vinu Elias. Unusual case of surgical site infection with uncommon organism – Burkholderia pseudomallei. Journal of Orthopaedics association of south Indian states (JOASIS). 26th June 2022:19:44-7
MBBS - J.S.S. Medical College - Mysore University (September 1994)
MD (Paediatrics) - J.J.M. Medical College, Davangere - Kuvempu University (March 1999)
Resident - J.J.M. Medical College (26.09.1995 - 09/1998)
Resident - Manipal Hospital, Bangalore (07.07.1999 - 06.07.2000)
Assistant Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (02.09.2000 - 01.09.2005)
Associate Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (02.09.2005 - 07.12.2007)
Associate Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (08.12.2007 - 01.07.2012)
Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (02.07.2012 - 31.05.2020)
Professor & HOD - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.06.2020 - Till date)
Kuruvilla J,KS Sahana, Sudhir MKS, Saldanha PRM. Spectrum of seizure disorders in children admitted to a teritiary care Hospital.International Journal of medical and applied sciences.2015;4 (1) : 19-24. – 3rd Author
George NA, Sudhir MKS. To study the effectiveness of cord blood Albumin as a predictor of neonatal jaundice. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2017;4:645-8. – 2nd Author
Kurian K, Sudhir MKS, Saldanha PRM. Study of depression among children in a tertiary care hospital – outpatient and inpatient cases. Indian Journal of Applied Research. Volume-8 | Issue-3 | March-2018. 2nd Author
Shamshu R, Sudhir MKS, Nuwera H. Knowledge, attitude and practice of parents regarding antibiotic use in children. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2019Nov;6(6):2282-2286 2nd Author
Bhatia A, Mithun HK, Sudhir MKS, Nuwera H. Knowledge on breast feeding and its techniques among health care workers in a tertiary health centre. Int J Contemp Pediatrics 2020;7– 3rd Author
Nathan SR, Nuwera H, Sudhir MKS, Shamsu R, Knowledge and attitude regarding complementary feeding practices among medical interns in Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore". Int J Contemp Paediatr, 2020 Nov;7(11):2137-2141 – 3rd Author
Clinical and laboratory profile of children with COVID-19 admitted at a tertiary care hospital
MD (Paediatrics) - Fr. Muller’s Medical College, Mangalore - Mangalore University (1998)
Resident - Fr. Muller Medical College, Mangalore (August 1995 - July 1998)
Assistant Professor - Fr. Muller Medical College, Mangalore (01.04.1999 - 31.09.2004)
Associate Professor - Fr. Muller Medical College, Mangalore (01.10.2004 - 21.02.2008)
Associate Professor - Kannur Medical College, Kerala (23.02.2008 - 30.09.2008)
Professor & HOD - Kannur Medical College, Kerala (01.10.2008 - 30.04.2009)
Professor & HOD - Yenepoya Medical College (02.05.2009 - 31.05.2020)
Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.06.2020 - Till Date)
Baiju J, ,Khan AS, Saldanha PRM. Knowledge about Diagnosis & management of paediatric Tuberculosis in a group of doctors in Karnataka. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. August 2015;14(8): 49-51. 3rd Author
Najeeba C.M, Prabhu AS, Saldanha PRM. Maternal Anemia and its effect on Cord blood hemoglobin and Newborn birth Weight.Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. July 2015;14(7):30-32. 3rd Author
KS Sahana, Kutty GA,Prabhu AS, Saldanha PRM. A study of Anemia in Hospitalised infants at a Tertiary care Hospital. National Journal of Community Med June, 2015;6(2):22-27.4th Author
Kuruvilla J,KS Sahana, Sudhir MKS, Saldanha PRM. Spectrum of seizure disorders in children admitted to a teritiary care Hospital.International Journal of medical and applied sciences.2015;4 (1) : 19-24.4th Author
Syed S, Kushwah S, Saldanha PRM, Prabhu AS. Influence of Education & Socioeconomic Status on Immunisation Status of Children in Rural Areas of Dakshina Kannada District of Karnataka. International Journal of Health Sciences & Research; Vol 6 (10):2016 - 3rd Author
Umarani J,Ramesh S, Saldanha PRM, Mendonsa RD, Kayalvizhi Problems and care of preterm neonates: Awareness of Trained Nurses, ejbps,2017, Volume 4, Issue 4, 471 – 473. 3rd Author
Rahiman E, Saldanha PRM, KS Sahana. Monitoring serum electrolyte levels in pediatric inpatients receiving IV fluids: A hospital based prospective study. Indian Journal of Applied Sciences. Volume - 7 | Issue - 4 | April-2017 | ISSN - 2249-555X | IF : 4.894 | IC Value : 79.96. 2nd Author
Aranha PR, Sams LM,Saldanha PRM. Preoperative preparation of children. Interanational Journal of Health Allied Sci 2017;6:1-4. 3rd Author
M.K Maharoof., Khan S.A, Saldanha PRM, Mohamed R. Comparison of light emitting diode and compact fluorescent lamp phototherapy in treatment of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. Int J Contemp Pediatr. 2017 Mar;4(2) DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2349-3291.ijcp20170083 - 3rd Author
KS Sahana, Prabhu AS,, Saldanha PRM. Usage of Cartridge Based Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (CB-NAAT/GeneXpert) test as diagnostic modality for pediatric tuberculosis; case series from Mangalore, South India.Journal of Clinical Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial DiseasesVolume 11, May 2018, Pages 7-9 - 3rd Author
KS Sahana, Qadiri GJ, Saldanha PRM. End of Paediatric Posting Assessment of Medical Interns at a teaching hospital from Coastal Karnataka. J Nepal Paediatr Soc 2018;38(2):90-93. - 3rd Author
Rehman UH, Khan SA, Saldanha PRM. Estimation of serum zinc levels in children with febrile convulsions. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2018;5:1518-22. - 3rd Author
KS Sahana, Saldanha RMP, Kushwah S, Prabhu SA. Management practices of Tuberculosis in children among Pediatric Practitioners in Mangalore, South India. Indian Journal of Tuberculosis. Volume 65, Issue 3, July 2018, Pages 195-199. 2nd Author
Aranha PR, Sams LM, Saldanha PRM. Impact of multimodal preoperative preparation program on parental anxiety. Int Arch Health Sci Feb,2018;5:6-10. - 3rd Author
Reddy B, Khan S, Saldanha PRM. A cross sectional study of Parental stress in pediatric intensive care unit at a teritiary centre, Mangalore. International journal of Medical science and Innovative Research(IJMSIR)volume-3, Issue- 1, February -2018. - 3rd Author
Kurian K, Sudhir MKS, Saldanha PRM. Study of depression among children in a tertiary care hospital – outpatient and inpatient cases. Indian Journal of Applied Research. Volume-8 | Issue-3 | March-2018. - 3rd Author
CH Rajeesha, KS Sahana Saldanha PRM. Knowledge and attitude of post natal lactating mothers regarding human milk donation in our hospital. Indian Journal of Applied Research. Volume-8 | Issue-3 | March-2018 - 3rd Author
Renjith RN, Saldanha PRM, KS Sahana. Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding diarrhoea and its prevention and the use of oral rehydration therapy among mothers of children under the age of five visiting a tertiary care hospital in Mangalore, India. International Journal of Contemparary Pediatrics 2019 Jul;6(4):1707 – 1711. – 2nd Author
Ashrita C, Nayak NP, Saldanha PRM. Awareness of human papilloma virus vaccine among medical interns in tertiary health centre. International Journal of Contemparary Pediatrics July,2019;6:2398-401. - 3rd Author
MK Maharoof, Khan SA, Saldanha PRM. Clinical study of anemia in rural school children of Mangalore, Karnataka, India. International Journal of Contemparary Pediatrics.2019 Mar;6(2) – 2nd Author
Mogasale VV, Saldanha P, Pai V, Rekha PD, Ramesh A, Mogasale V. A descriptive analysis of antimicrobial resistance patterns of WHO priority pathogens isolated in children from a tertiary care hospitla in India. Scientific Reports 11,5116(2021). – 2nd Author
CH Rajeesha, KS Sahana, Saldanha PRM, Estimation of biomarkers in asphyxiated full term neonates with special reference to serum lactate dehydrogenase, aspartate transaminase and alanine transaminase Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, June 2020; 49(2):162-169 - 3rd Author
Tejaswini M, KS Sahana , Saldanha PRM. Clinical and Laboratory profile of children with dengue fever admitted at a tertiary care hospital in Mangalore, Karnataka, India: a retrospective study.International journal of Contemporary Pediatrics. 2020 Mar;7(3);611-5. - 3rd Author
Zohra NFS, Prabhu AS, Rao SB, Saldanha PRM. Association of cord blood and maternal lipid profile.International Journal of Contemparary Paediatrics 2020 Mar;7 – 4th Author
Umarani J, Sharadha Ramesh, Saldanha PRM, Rohan Dilip Mendonsa, Kayalvizhi, Maternal Satisfaction in providing Tactile and kinesthetic stimulation to preterm newborn, International Journal of Nursing Science Practice and Research, 2020;6 (1);8-12
Kuriakose R, Nayak PN, Saldanha PRM, Parents perception on pattern and effects of usage of electronic usage of among school going children. International journal of Contemporary Pediatrics. 2020, Mar 7(3):483-486 . - 3rd Author
Mayan M, Prabhu AS, Saldanha PRM, A retrospective study of febrile seizures among children admitted in a tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Contemparary Paediatrics, 2020 Nov;7(11):2112-2114 - 3rd Author
Kanuparthi P, Rao SKS, Saldanha PRM. Clinicoetiological profile of infantile onset seizure disorder at a tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Contemparary Paediatrics,2020;7(12):1-4 - 3rd Author
KS Sahana, Prabhu AS, Saldanah PRM, Sudhir MKS, Gurmitkal B. Clinical and laboratory profile of children with COVID-19 admitted at a tertiary care hospital in Karnataka, Southern India Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 2021; 50(3): 503-509 – 3rd Author
Dsouza PR, Rodrigues DE, Saldanha PRM. Children as change agents of knowledge and practice of parents in prevention of Mosquitoborne diseases: A pilot study. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 08, Issue 02, 2021 –DOAJ - 3rd Author
Umarani J, Sharadha Ramesh, Saldanha PRM, Mendonsa RD. Kayalvizhi. Assessment of preterm neonates’ response to tactile and kinesthetic stimulation. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Reasearch Umarani et al., IJPSR, 2021; Vol. 12(6): 3298-3305. E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-5148 - 3rd Author
Shirodkar D, Nasrin N, Suhara SA, Saldanha PR. The company that one keeps: An interplay between growth hormone and other pituitary harmones. Karnataka Paediatric Journals.Doi:10.25259/KPJ_3_2022.
Shajahan N, Rao SKS, Saldanha PR. A rare case of severe anemia due to pancreatic pseudoaneurysm complicated by COVID-19. Karnataka Pediatr J, doi: 10.25259/KPJ_15_2022
Shycil Mathew, Jenifer D Souza, Saldanha PR. Prevalence of overweight and obesity among adolescents. A school based preliminary cross – sectional study. Journal of Health and Allied Sciences.
MBBS - KMC, Mangalore - Mangalore University (March 1991)
MD (Paediatrics) - KMC, Mangalore - Mangalore University (1994)
Shalini Rakesh Fellowship of Indian Society of Pediatric Nephrology(ISPN)
Junior Resident - Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore (31.07.1991 - 06/1994)
Assistant Professor - Yenepoya Medical College (09.08.1999 - 08.08.2004)
Associate Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (09.08.2004 - 08.08.2007)
Associate Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (09.08.2007 - 31.10.2008)
Professor - Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore (01.11.2008 - Till Date)
Kutty GA, Prabhu AS, KS Sahana. Role of Micro- ESR in the Evaluation of Suspected Sepsis in Neonates. International Journal of Sciences and Research.2015;4(8): 311-14. – 2nd Author
Najeeba C.M, Prabhu AS, Saldanha PRM. Maternal Anemia and its effect on Cord blood hemoglobin and Newborn birth Weight.Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. July 2015;14(7):30-32. 2nd Author
KS Sahana, Kutty GA,Prabhu AS, Saldanha PRM. A study of Anemia in Hospitalised infants at a Tertiary care Hospital. National Journal of Community Med June, 2015;6(2):22-27. – 3rd Author
Syed S, Kushwah S, Saldanha PRM, Prabhu AS. Influence of Education & Socioeconomic Status on Immunisation Status of Children in Rural Areas of Dakshina Kannada District of Karnataka. International Journal of Health Sciences & Research; Vol 6 (10):2016 4th Author
Nuwera H, Prabhu AS. Knowledge about HIV / AIDS among Xth standard students in Mangalore, India. International Journal of Contemparary Paediatrics. 2017;4(2) DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/23493291.ijcp20170084 2nd Author
KS Sahana, Prabhu AS,, Saldanha PRM. Usage of Cartridge Based Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (CB-NAAT/GeneXpert) test as diagnostic modality for pediatric tuberculosis; case series from Mangalore, South India.Journal of Clinical Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial DiseasesVolume 11, May 2018, Pages 7-9 2nd Author
KS Sahana, Saldanha RMP, Kushwah S, Prabhu SA. Management practices of Tuberculosis in children among Pediatric Practitioners in Mangalore, South India. Indian Journal of Tuberculosis. Volume 65, Issue 3, July 2018, Pages 195-199. – 4th Author
Manasa M, Prabhu AS, Pai S, Kiran Raj H. A study to assess the prevalence of hypertension in children with nephrotic syndrome. International Journal of Contemparary Pediatrics Nov, 2019;6(6):2340. 2nd Author
Zohra NFS, Prabhu AS, Rao SB, Saldanha PRM. Association of cord blood and maternal lipid profile. International Journal of Contemparary Paediatrics 2020 Mar;7 - 2nd Author
Mayan M, Prabhu AS, Saldanha PRM, A retrospective study of febrile seizures among children admitted in a tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Contemparary Paediatrics, 2020 Nov;7(11):2112-2114 - 2nd Author
KS Sahana, Prabhu AS, Saldanah PRM, Sudhir MKS, Gurmitkal B. Clinical and laboratory profile of children with COVID-19 admitted at a tertiary care hospital in Karnataka, Southern India Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 2021; 50(3): 503-509- 2nd Author
MBBS - Sri Siddharth Medical College, Tumkur - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore (July 2022)
MD (Paediatrics) - Mysore Medical College, Mysore - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore (April 2007)
Junior Resident - Mysore Medical College, Mysore (10/2003 - 09/2006)
Assistant Professor - S.D.M. Medical Sciences & Hospital, Dharwad (